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Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.

Lambs skipped in the field. 小羊在田野里跳跃。
Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah. 19拉麦娶了两个妻、一个名叫亚大、一个名叫洗拉。
Lamech took to himself two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other, Zillah. 创4:19拉麦娶了两个妻、一个名叫亚大、一个名叫洗拉。
Lamed by a cramp, the young girl limped on gamely and won the match. 那年轻女孩虽然因抽筋而一跛一拐的,但她还是勇敢地继续下去,终于在比赛中获胜。
Lamed by a cramp, the young girl limped on gamely and won the match. 那年轻女孩虽然因抽筋而一跛一拐的,但她还是勇敢地继续下去,终於在比赛中获胜。
Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth. 8我的民哪,你当哀号,像处女腰束麻布,为幼年的丈夫哀号。
Laminarin The chief carbohydrate food reserve of the Phaeophyta (brown algae). 海带多糖:褐藻类植物中储藏糖类物质的主要形式。
Laminate the lists and keep one in your desk and one in your travel bag. 把点检表分成两份,一个放在桌子上另一个放在你的旅行包里。
Laminate:10-12hrs/day.lasting4-6days under rainy/cloudy day. 照明时间:10/12小时每天可连续阴雨天4-6天照明。
Lamivudine and interferon combination with or without lamivudine priming showed encouraging results in clinical trial. 在临床应用中,拉米夫啶和干扰素(与拉米夫啶联用或不与拉米夫啶联用)都显示了令人振奋的效果。
Lamma Veterinary Clinic, G/F, 64 Yung Shue Wan Main Street, Lamma Island, Hong Kong. 大坑兽医诊所,香港大坑浣纱街9号地下。

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