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He often wondered where his four-footed friend had gone.

He often speaks in an arrogant tone. 他经常以一种傲慢的口气说话。
He often stays at home on Sundays because he has few friends . 他星期天经常呆在家里,因为他朋友很少。
He often takes part in sociable parties to make more friends. 他经常参加社交聚会以广交朋友。
He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love. 他经常用充满爱意的语言谈论他的女朋友。
He often weaves beautiful stories out of his own head for his children. 他常用自己的脑袋?他的孩子们编美丽的故事。
He often wondered where his four-footed friend had gone. 他常常想:他的四条腿的朋友哪里去了呢?
He often writes to his friends in the USA . 他常给他在美国的学生写信。
He oke English o well that took it for granted that he wa a American. 他讲英语讲得好极了,因此我一直认为他是美国人。
He old worker advised his son not to buy the second-hand car. 这老工人劝儿子不要买旧车子。
He omitted reading the second page. 他忘了读第二页。
He omitted to explain why he had been late. 他没有解释他为什麽迟到。

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