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Nor did he say whether he expected to receive a seat on the General Motors board, as some reports have speculated.

Nor can the changes in China's economy or the social bases of her classes between 1945 and 1949 account for the twists and turns which that war took. 基于同样的道理,一九四五至一九四九年间中国经济及中国各阶级的社会基础的变化,也不能决定中国内战的曲折进程。
Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. 约11:50独不想一个人替百姓死、免得通国灭亡、就是你们的益处。
Nor could any finds be evaluated effectively without geophysical wireline well logs to measure the lithology, porosity, and petroleum content of a reservoir. 同样,如果没有地球物理电缆测井测量岩性、孔隙度和储层中石油的含量,对任何发现的圈闭也不可能做到有效评价。
Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them. 以法莲没有赶出住基色的迦南人。于是迦南人仍住在基色,在以法莲中间。
Nor did he answer anyone's calls. 4月的一个早晨,它没有露面。
Nor did he say whether he expected to receive a seat on the General Motors board, as some reports have speculated. 也没有说明他是否会在通用汽车公司董事会中任职,就象某些报道中所猜测的那样。
Nor did he shake a horseshoe or throw salt over his shoulder. 他也没有摇摇马蹄铁或在肩膀上灑盐来乞求好运气。
Nor did he undertake any expedition50 other than the visiting of his lands in Campania, averring that the equipage of an emperor, even of one over frugal, was a burdensome thing to the provinces. 他不做除了去军营之外的任何出巡(50),说皇帝的马车,即使是非常节俭的,在行省也是累赘。
Nor did it help relations when the TAZ published a satirical story claiming that Mr Diekmann had undergone a penis enlargement in Florida. 而《每日新闻》发布的一则讽刺《图片报》编辑迪克曼的报道,披露后者曾赴佛罗里达接受阴茎增大手术,同样无助于关系的改善。
Nor did it mean interference in creation by souls. 这也不意味着干涉灵魂的创造。
Nor did she accept there was some kind of changing consensus worldwidein support of same sex marriage. 她也不承认在支持同性婚姻方面有某种“全世界一致同意”的改变。

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