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[bbe] Let his kingdom be from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.

[bbe] Let another man give you praise, and not your mouth; one who is strange to you, and not your lips. 要别人夸奖你,不可用口自夸。等外人称赞你,不可用嘴自称。
[bbe] Let him be cursed who does the Lord's work half-heartedly; let him be cursed who keeps back his sword from blood. 懒惰为耶和华行事的,必受咒诅。禁止刀剑不经血的,必受咒诅。
[bbe] Let him come to the priest with a sheep, a male without any mark out of the flock, of the value fixed by you, as an offering for his error; and the priest will take away the sin which he did in error, and he will have forgiveness. 也要照你所估定的价、从羊群中牵一只没有残疾的公绵羊来、给祭司作赎愆祭.至于他误行的那错事、祭司要为他赎罪、他必蒙赦免。
[bbe] Let him give me the kisses of his mouth: for his love is better than wine. 愿他用口与我亲嘴。因你的爱情比酒更美。
[bbe] Let his creditor take all his goods; and let others have the profit of his work. 愿强暴的债主牢笼他一切所有的。愿外人抢他劳碌得来的。
[bbe] Let his kingdom be from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth. 他要执掌权柄,从这海直到那海,从大河直到地极。
[bbe] Let it be made with oil on a flat plate; when it is well mixed and cooked, let it be broken and taken in as a meal offering, for a sweet smell to the Lord. 要在铁鏊上用油调和作成、调匀了你就拿进来、烤好了、分成块子、献给耶和华为馨香的素祭。
[bbe] Let it not seem hard to you that you have to send him away free; for he has been working for you for six years, which is twice the regular time for a servant: and the blessing of the Lord your God will be on you in everything you do. 你任他自由的时候、不可以为难事、因他服事你六年、较比雇工的工价多加一倍了.耶和华你的神、就必在你所作的一切事上、赐福与你。
[bbe] Let me go over, O Lord, and see the good land on the other side of Jordan, and that fair mountain country, even Lebanon. 求你容我过去、看约但河那边的美地、就是那佳美的山地、和利巴嫩。
[bbe] Let me not be shamed, O Lord, for I have made my prayer to you; let the sinners be shamed, and let their mouths be shut in the underworld. 耶和华阿,求你叫我不至羞愧。因为我曾呼吁你。求你使恶人羞愧,使他们在阴间缄默无声。
[bbe] Let me now have forgiveness for my sin this time only, and make prayer to the Lord your God that he will take away from me this death only. 现在求你、只这一次、饶恕我的罪、求耶和华你们的神、使我脱离这一次的死亡。

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