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Although these porcelains are of beautiful approximate red color, such as purplish red or reddish brown etc., the pure bright red can not be gain.

Although these controversies have prompted managers to dig deeper, this outcry has also put pressure on them to window dress. 尽管这些抱怨能驱使基金经理们更加深入地研究投资组合,但它也能对基金经理产生弄虚作假的压力。
Although these design briefs were written in different contexts, with somewhat different goals, they provide you with a sense of how and what to include in a design brief. 尽管这些设计简介是在不同情景下所写,而各有不同的目标,它们大概说明了撰写简介的方法及简介的内容。
Although these drugs are effective in the beginning, says Knudsen, many patients who initially respond to this treatment eventually develop a resistance to it. 尽管开始治疗时这些药物有效,但是起初有效的许多患者最终发展成耐药。
Although these effects are negligible for astronomical black holes, they are significant for hypothetical very small black holes where quantum-mechanical effects dominate. 虽然这些作用对天文上的黑洞是可以忽略不计,它们对假设受量子力学支配的很小的黑洞意义很大。
Although these museums have not been the dour edifices,they still are dreary repositories of the nation's historical treasure. 虽然博物馆已不是毛泽东时代的乏味的建筑了,但它们仍然是沉闷的国家历史珍宝储藏室。
Although these porcelains are of beautiful approximate red color, such as purplish red or reddish brown etc., the pure bright red can not be gain. 这些红釉瓷虽然能烧制出美丽的枣红色、棕红色等近似的红色,但却烧制不出纯正的大红色。
Although these reforms may help, companies report other skills that are in short supply. 尽管这种改革可能会奏效,但是公司还通报了学生的其他的技能匮乏。
Although these search systems offer significant new features, they represent only incremental enhancements. 这些搜寻系统虽然提供了新的重要特色,但改善的程度依然有限。
Although these three claims emphasize the importance of general education, the researcher think they debase the vocational education potentially. 这些立场都有意无意的贬低了技职教育,适足以造成二元对立。
Although they are in their late 50’s, this initiate has a biological age of 36 due to the resurrection and reconstitution of the form through ascension. 尽管已经50多岁,由于提升中身体的复苏和重建,这名成员拥有的生物年龄是36岁。
Although they are not as expansive as other writers such as Moses and Paul, the wisdom contained is both succinct and to the point. 尽管他的著作不像摩西或保罗那样宏大,但是蕴藏的智慧是简明扼要。

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