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Remember, O LORD , what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace.

Remember – always fasten your seat belt. 记住——永远要系上安全带。
Remember, 2008 is a pivotal year. 记住,2008是关键的一年。
Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again? 9求你记念制造我如抟泥一般,你还要使我归于麈土吗。
Remember, O God, that my life is but a breath; my eyes will never see happiness again. 7求你想念、我的生命不过是一口气.我的眼睛必不再见福乐。
Remember, O Jehovah, what has come upon us; Look and see our reproach. 1耶和华阿,求你记念我们所遭遇的事;注视观看我们所受的凌辱。
Remember, O LORD , what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. 2我们的产业归与外邦人。我们的房屋归与外路人。
Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof. 7耶路撒冷遭难的日子,以东人说,拆毁,拆毁,直拆到根基。耶和华阿求你记念这仇。
Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach. 1耶和华阿,求你记念我们所遭遇的事,观看我们所受的凌辱。
Remember, O Lord , your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. 6耶和华啊,求你记念你的怜悯和慈爱,因为这是亘古以来所常有的。
Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesses, For they have been from of old. 诗25:6耶和华阿、求你记念你的怜悯和慈爱.因为这是亘古以来所常有的。
Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom The day of Jerusalem, Who said, Raze it, raze it To its very foundation. 诗137:7耶路撒冷遭难的日子、以东人说拆毁、拆毁、直拆到根基.耶和华阿、求你记念这仇。

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