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Aluminum Induces Apoptosis in Vicia faba Guard Cells

A novel design of glucose biosensor:the sol-gel carbon paste immobilized enzyme electrode 基于溶胶凝胶碳糊固定化酶的新型电流式葡萄糖传感器测定葡萄糖含量的价值分析
Transgenic Expression Regulation in a Temporal and Spatial Manner 转基因表达的时空调控
Optimization on Degradation Condition of Methamidophos Based on Response Surface Analysis Method 基于响应面分析法的甲胺磷降解条件优化
Application of Profinity eXact tag in purifying EGFP in eukaryotic expression system 应用Profinity eXact标签在真核表达系统中纯化EGFP蛋白
Isolation and Preliminary Identification of H9 Subtype Influenza A Viruse H9亚型禽流感病毒的分离及初步鉴定
Aluminum Induces Apoptosis in Vicia faba Guard Cells 铝诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞凋亡研究
Space-time Distribution Characteristics of Floating Algae and Water Quality Assessment in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Ganjiang River 赣江中下游浮游藻类群落结构与水质评价
Cloning and Tissue-Specific Expression Analysis of Xbp1Gene in Cyprinus Carpio L. 鲤鱼Xbp1基因克隆与组织特异性表达分析
Review of Study on Community Ecology of Bryophyte in Inner Mongolia 内蒙古苔藓植物群落生态学研究综述
Identification of the gene MdSOD3 and its role in resisting heavy metal stress in housefly(Musca domestica) 家蝇MdSOD3基因的鉴定及其在抵抗重金属胁迫中的作用
Effects of different types of Helicobacter pylori on the gap junction intercellular communication in GES-1 cells 不同类型幽门螺杆菌对GES-1细胞GJIC功能的影响(英文)

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