A viscosity-temperature model of cumulative steam injection rate and cumulative oil production has been established for cyclic steam stimulation stage according to the standard viscosity-temperature curve of American Material Experiment Society.
摘要根据美国材料试验学会制定的标准粘温关系曲线,建立蒸汽吞吐阶段累计注汽量与累计产油量之间的粘温模型。 |
A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action.
其明显的特点是后肢的蹄音在连续动作时比不连贯动作时更清楚。 |
A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, an animal, or a thing.
痕迹因人、动物或物体通过造成或留下的一可见记号,如脚印 |
A visibly moved Colin Powell said after flying over Banda Aceh Wednesday that he has a much better understanding of the enormous amount of damage the December 26 tsunami did to Aceh - located at the northern tip of Indonesia's Sumatra Island.
鲍威尔星期三在飞机上俯瞰了班达亚齐之后表示,他对12月26号海啸给亚齐带来的损害有了更深刻的了解。 |
A visionary Venerable who is also an avid Buddhist music lover, he has co-produced several bestselling albums.
本身是佛教音乐爱好者,曾制作多张畅销的佛教音乐专辑。 |
A visionary; a dreamer.
幻想家;梦想者 |
A visit to China makes abundantly clear that what is happening here is, for all the difficulties with measurement, not only real but also unstoppable by anything short of a cataclysm.
尽管存在各种统计上的困难,中国之行能让人完全清楚地了解,中国正在发生的一切不仅是实实在在的,而且除非发生灾难性的大事,也将是无法阻止的。 |
A visit to one of these places is well worth while.
这些地方的任何一处都是很值得一去的。 |
A visit to the Galapagos Islands might also satisfy an ecologically-minded person like yourself.
加拉帕哥斯群岛的生态游也一定能让你大呼过瘾。 |
A visitor hugs Mickey Mouse after the grand opening of the Hong Kong Disneyland Monday, Sept. 12, 2005. It is Disney's first-ever vacation resort in China.
上图是2005.9.12(周一)一位游客在香港迪士尼开幕式后拥抱米老鼠。这是迪士尼在中国的第一个休假胜地。 |
A visitor is standing in front of the photo work Survivors of 911in the Shanghai Biannual with the subject of The Images of Subsistencein Shanghai, on Sept.28, 2004.
2004年9月28日,影像生存为主题的上海双年展上,一位观众在作品《911幸存者》前久久驻足。 |