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Used for colour fastness test to washing and to dry cleaning of cotton, wool,silk jute and chemical fibre textiles.

Used for automatically printing, inspecting and labeling all kind of PVC or paper cards. 主要用于各类PVC或纸质卡的自动喷码、检测、覆膜。
Used for breeding of young shrimp and raising of grown shrimp, be acceptable widely for propagate and breed of shrimp、fish and crab in sea or freshwater. 用于虾苗培育和成虾养殖,广泛适用于海水、淡水虾类、鱼类、蟹类繁殖、养殖生产。
Used for buildings,bridges,ships, rolling stocks,petroleum storage tanks,engineering machinery,mining machinery and others structures that are required superiority in complex mechanical properties and weldability. 用于建筑、桥梁、船舶、车辆、石油储罐、工程机械、采矿机械等要求优良的综合力学性能及焊接性能的结构件。
Used for chest cutting of pig, ox, sheep, etc. to clean viscera and split the carcass. 用于猪、牛、羊等牲畜的开胸以便操作人员对胴体的掏内脏及劈半之用。
Used for clay bricks ,high aluminum bricks masonry in acid resistance furnaces . 用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业窑炉砌筑轻质粘土砖、轻质高铝砖。
Used for colour fastness test to washing and to dry cleaning of cotton, wool,silk jute and chemical fibre textiles. 用于棉、毛、丝、麻、化纤等纺织品耐洗、耐干洗色牢度试验。
Used for corundum bricks ,mullite bricks ,silicate bricks masonry in blast furnaces ,hot air stoves . 用于高炉、热风炉砌筑刚玉砖、莫来石砖、硅线石砖、低蠕变高铝砖。
Used for cut the fibre or yarn into extremely thin cross section slices in order to observe its tissue &structure. 用于将纤维或纱线切成极微小的横断面薄片,以观察其组织结构。
Used for dairy products, beverage, bakery food, frozen food, candy, chocolate, ect. 用于乳制品、饮料、烘焙食品、冷冻食品、糖果、巧克力等食品行业。
Used for direct twist measurement of single yarn and plied yarn by counting. 用于单纱、股纱等进行直接计数法捻度测定。
Used for dispensing perchloride cream and fenvalerate malathion cream, lower use level and good effects. 用于配制高氯及氰马乳油,用量低,效果好。

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