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These financial organizations has global inter-governmental international financial organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its subsidiary bodies, the International Development Assoc

These files are protected. Please call the Association to obtain the password before downloading. 下载之前,请联络符氏社索取密码,打开文件。
These files have been ratified. 这些文件已经批准生效。
These files illustrate the dangers of anonymous uploads. 这些文件说明了匿名上传的危险。
These files included passwords and are by default readable by all users. 由所有使用者,这些文件包含了口令[字]而且是预先设定地可读的。
These films are suitable for adults only. 这些电影只适宜成人观看。
These financial organizations has global inter-governmental international financial organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its subsidiary bodies, the International Development Assoc 这些金融组织有全球性政府间国际金融组织,如国际货币基金组织、国际复兴与开发银行及其附属机构国际开发协会和国际金融组织;也有区域性金融组织,如亚洲开发银行、欧洲投资银行。
These financial reverses will prevent my taking a holiday. 这些经济上的挫折使我不能去度假了。
These findings are directly applicable to ongoing improvements in islet cell transplantation for human diabetes, particularly because our magnetocapsules comprise clinically applicable materials. 因为我们的磁性微囊采用的都是临床可以使用的材料,因此,这些发现能够直接运用于目前正在积极开展的糖尿病患者的胰岛移植。
These findings are very important for perfecting relational internal audit standard. 这些发现对完善相关内部审计准则具有十分重要的意义。
These findings are “a very important result in resolving one of the most difficult problems related to carbon nanotube manufacture for integrated circuits,” says Kang Wang, director of the Center on Functional Engineered Nano Architectonics at the Univers 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校功能性改造奈米结构体系专研中心主任王康隆表示,这些发现「对解决在积体电路中制造奈米碳管的难题来说,是非常重要的结果」。
These findings beg the new trade theory to rethink its evidence in the future. 这些发现促使“新贸易理论”重新去审视支持它的“证据”。

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