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Listen to the local yokel yodel.

Listen to the examples below to see if you get what we mean, if you don't have sound then try pronouncing the words in your head as one word! 听下面的例词,看看是否理解我们的意思了。如果你没有办法听,那么试着在心里把这些词当作一个单词念念看。
Listen to the following words. You will hear them only once. Tick the right vowel in each word when you hear it. 听下面的单词,只播放一遍.听的时候,请把听到的每个单词的元音勾出.
Listen to the good. Tune your ears to love,hope and courage. Tune out gossip,fear and resentment. 倾听善的。接收爱,希望和勇气,撇开闲言碎语,恐惧和憎恨。
Listen to the ground: 听地面:
Listen to the jabber of those monkeys. 听那些猴子在吱吱喳喳地叫。
Listen to the local yokel yodel. 听听那个本地土包子唱的岳得尔调。
Listen to the music and knock the harmony accordimng to the rhythm of tango. 欣赏现代探戈音乐《珠穆朗玛》中捕捉探戈的节奏,并用口琴敲打节奏。
Listen to the passage you selected over and over, but as you picture the body language of the little person, emulate it with your face and body. 一遍一遍地通听你选择的部分,但当你在描绘小人儿的身体语言时,用你的脸和身体来摹仿它。
Listen to the pretty lady, Mark. 丹恩:你就听美女的话吧,马克。
Listen to the recording and tick ‘√' the sentences you hear. 听录音,给你所听到的句子打勾。
Listen to the same piece several times. 同一录音片段要反复收听多次。

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