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Along with nitrogen, the inert remainder of the air, carbon dioxide is the chief component of flue gas.

Along with its brother Centers in Europe and North America, Saint-Gobain Research (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. will make possible Saint-Gobain’s ambition: Technology and Innovation worldwide. 圣戈班研发(上海)有限公司将与公司在欧洲和北美的研发中心一起去努力实现圣戈班集团的雄心壮志:领导全球的技术和创新。
Along with market economy increasing development, establishment of the agency by estoppels system fully protect the good intentions relative person's faith benefit and the transaction security. 随着市场经济的不断发展,表见代理制度的设立充分保护了善意相对人的信赖利益和交易安全。
Along with market economy of development, management the accountancy be a business enterprise management of importance means, especially it to business enterprise circulate of contribute have already been corroborate in the west the economy of the develop 摘要随着市场经济的发展,管理会计作为企业管理的重要手段,特别是它对企业运行的贡献已在西方经济的发展中得到印证。
Along with market fast changing,the customer's demands varies continusly,with the abundant comprehensive strength,Lubao always supplies warm and profess-sional service and stresses on advanced science &thchnology used in each field,it is always welcomed b 市场瞬息万变,顾客的需求也在不断发展变化,绿宝凭借雄厚的综合实力,为每一个客户提供热情、专业的服务、并注重在各个领域用先进的科技力量,深受市场欢迎!
Along with modern industry quick develop and public environment protection consciousness de continual enhance, a paper of wrapping De apply to more and more extensively in commodity, demand too more and more big, people to paper packaged quality Measure a 随着现代工业快速发展和公共环境保护意识的不断增强,纸包装在商品中的应用越来越广泛,需求量也越来越大,人们对纸包装的质量和性能方面的要求也越来越高,为适应市场的发展要求,联昌公司对纸包装行业的发展,利用新工艺、新技术不断创出新产品。
Along with nitrogen, the inert remainder of the air, carbon dioxide is the chief component of flue gas. 除了氮气——空气中的惰性残余物,二氧化碳是烟道气体中的主要成分。
Along with other administration officials he also refused to testify before Congress on the sacking, last year, of nine federal prosecutors. 他还与其他政府官员拒绝在国会为解雇9名联邦检察官的事件作证。
Along with other data, these results indicate that Tempel 1 is not a compacted snowball, as many had conjectured, but a loose, powdery fluff ball—an agglomerate of primordial dust that came together at low speeds and gently clung like dust bunnies under a 综合所有的资料来研判,谭普一号并非如大多数人所猜想,是颗结构紧实的大雪球,它比较像是一颗松散易碎的毛球,由远古的尘屑在低速下缓慢沾黏在一起而形成,就像是床底下的那些小毛球。
Along with our indoor pool, gym and spa, The Eton Hotel Shanghai is the perfect place for the discerning business guests and leisure travelers alike. 酒店于2006年第四季度开业,现虚位以待,诚招有志于酒店行业的您加入!
Along with photoelectron industry's relentless development, clean craft is necessary in photoelectric product, clean to product's affect more and more important in quality, precision, appearance . 随着光电子产业的迅猛发展,清洗工艺在光电产品中是必不可少的工艺,清洗对产品的质量、精度、外观等方面的影响也越来越重要。
Along with princesses, your faction can also acquire merchants. 和公主一样,你也能获得商人。

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