The miners' action might set off sympathy strikes by transport workers.
矿工的行动可能引起运输工人的同情性罢工。 |
The miners' strike is really starting to bite.
矿工罢工就要真正显出威力了. |
The mines are touchy as hell.
地雷非常灵敏,一有触动便会爆炸。 |
The mingling of men and ideas was a revolutionary catalyst in itself.
农民在部队里接触了许多人,学到许多新思想,这本身就是一种革命的催化剂。 |
The minibus will sit ten people.
这辆小型巴士可坐十人。 |
The minima of this multidimensional landscape—the bottoms of depressions where a ball could come to rest—correspond to the stable configurations of spacetime (including branes and fluxes), which are called stable vacua.
由于这个多维地景的极小值(球可以停驻的凹陷底部),对应著时空的稳定组态(包括膜与通量),所以称为稳定真空。 |
The minimal cost for taking taxi // far outweighs the inconvenience // of being immobile in this vast urban area.
城区广大,交通不便,无法走动,所以出这么点钱坐出租车还是非常划得来的(上算的)。 |
The minimalist graphic design is mainly used to put the emphasis on Origine's shape.
我们将图案设计降低到最小,集中在“起源”的外形上。 |
The minimum admission requirements for foreign students include a good pass in all subjects from previous college/university examination and an adequate level of Chinese language competency.
外国学生入学标准应以其在原毕业学校之学业平均成绩及格为最低标准,并具备中国语文能力。 |
The minimum admission requirements for foreign students include a good pass in all subjects from previous school examination and an adequate level of Chinese language competency.
外国学生入学标准应以其在原毕业学校之各科成绩达相当标准为最低标准,并具备中国语文能力。 |
The minimum allowance for downtime should be in compliance with the local regulations and rules.
若合同内容有关于停工待料补贴工资的问题,则补贴工资的最低标准就是按当地最低工资标准。 |