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In Australia, due to its tight rules in hygiene, street foods are basically not allowed.

In Australia the term is often applied to wines which are slightly to moderately sweet. 完整的、丰满的:用于描述平衡好,酒精含量和提取物含量都较高的葡萄酒。
In Australia this week, a Copyright Amendment Bill passed both houses of parliament, but only after some draconian features—like stiff fines for unintentional infringement—were removed at the last minute. 本周在澳大利亚,若不是那些很严酷的条款-比如对无意中的侵权给予摸不着头脑的罚款-在最后一刻被删除,这项版权修正案在众议院和参议院就难以通过。
In Australia, New Year's Day falls in summer and is often celebrated with outdoor activities such as picnics and carnivals. 在澳大利亚,新年在夏季来临,庆祝方式经常是举办一些户外活动,如野餐和狂欢。
In Australia, both the government departments of heritages and the organizations involving the conservation work together to draw up plans for every “place”, as well as participate in the enforcement of conservation. 澳大利亚文化遗产管理部门与参加保护工作的社会团体,机构一起,为各个文物保护的“地方”制定保护计划并参加具体实践。
In Australia, bottlenose dolphins place sponges over their snouts as protection from the spines of stonefish and stingrays as they forage over shallow seabeds. 在澳大利亚,瓶鼻海豚在捕猎在海床上吃草的石鱼和黄貂鱼的时候会在嘴上叼上海绵来防刺。
In Australia, due to its tight rules in hygiene, street foods are basically not allowed. 可想而知,我在澳洲那种没有街边小食的生活是多苦闷。
In Australia, each state and territory ahs its own primary and secondary education system. Standards, however, are high and reasonably uniform. 在澳大利亚,各州和各地区都必须有自己的小学和中学教育制度。然而各地的教育标准是高的,而且相当一致。
In Australia, meanwhile, a quiet coup in the Labour party, which has been in opposition and a muddle for many years, has brought not only a more dynamic leader but the appointment of a man as shadow environment minister who has been at the forefront of th 与此同时,在澳大利亚,一向混乱不堪的反对党----工党内悄无声息发生了政变,不仅换上了一个更为活跃的党魁,更任命了一位多年来一直活跃在环境保护运动前沿的人士作为影子环境部长。
In Australia, one thinks nothing of riding fifty miles to a match. 在澳大利亚,坐50英里的汽车去看一场球赛不算一回事。
In Australia, there is a 20-year gap in life expectancy between Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the Australian average. 在澳大利亚,澳大利亚土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民与普通澳大利亚人之间期望寿命相差20岁。
In Australia, visitors need bring over wine or beers for attending lunch/dinner in somebody's home. 在澳大利亚,如果参加家宴,客人需要带葡萄酒或者啤酒的。

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