Never use solutions beyond their expiry date.
请不要使用已过期或将要过期的保存液. |
Never use the microwave oven for drying clothes or towels.
不可使用微波炉作烹饪以外的用途,如烘乾手帕,抹布等。 |
Never use the napkin to wipe the silver or china.
别用餐巾去擦刀叉或碗碟。 |
Never use this device without water.Please switch off the power if the water runs out.
本装置禁止无水使用,如无通水时,请断开电源。 |
Never value anything as profitable to thyself which shall compel thee to break thy promise, to lose thy self-respect, to hate any man, to suspect, to curse, to act the hypocrite, to desire anything which needs walls and curtains: for he who has preferred
不要把任何会强迫你打破誓言、丧失自尊、仇恨人类,猜疑、诅咒、行伪善和需要掩饰来满足的欲望之类东西看成是对你有益的:那些热爱智性和精灵胜过其他,崇拜自然的完美,行为无过失,从不抱怨的人,既不孤僻,也不需要过多的朋友,而且最主要的是,他既不迷恋死亡,也不逃避死亡;无论生命有多长寿或多短暂,他都会把灵魂约束于肉体之内,他一无牵挂:即使不得不即刻辞世而去,他也将坦然而往,仿佛去做一项可以以尊严和秩序的方式完成的事;整个人生中他只关心一件事:他的思想是否偏离了一个有智性的动物和一个公民社会成员的本分。 |
Never venture out of your depth till you can swim.
还不会游泳,就不要冒险入深池。 |
Never walk through a line of dancers to cross the floor - always walk around the floor or wait.
如要在中走动,请勿在其他跳舞者前横过,应取道舞场四周或等音乐完毕才离开。 |
Never wash hands before using sanitary napkins.
使用卫生巾之前不洗手。 |
Never when prolonged arguments avoided the subjects which are large and important enough to rouse enthusiasm was the mind of a people stirred up from its foundations and the impulse given which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to somethi
当长期的讨论回避那些可以激发热情的伟大而重要的问题,一个民族的思想就不会从基础上产生动摇,也不会有冲动将最平凡的人变成思考的人。 |
Never will I allow my mind to be attracted to evil and despair, rather I will uplift it with the knowledge and wisdom of the ages.
我绝不让头脑受到邪恶与绝望的引诱,我要用智慧和知识使之升华。 |
Never will I allow my soul to become complacent and satisfied, rather I will feed it with meditation and prayer.
我绝不让灵魂陷入自满的状态,我要用沉思和祈祷来滋润它。 |