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Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning.

Even though United won the Barclays Premiership three weeks ago, we go away the happiest. “即便曼联三个星期前赢了联赛冠军,但结束本赛季时我们才是最开心的。”
Even though it doesn′t work, how does it feel? 即使它不工作,它感觉如何呢?
Even though it was a draw, it doesn't matter,Rahman said. I'm still the champ and I'm the one who can go on from here. 拉赫曼说:“即使就是一个平局也没关系,我依然是冠军而且我是唯一的在这儿继续下去的人。
Even though she's just a few months old, Shiloh is already an iconic(5) figure in world popular culture,says Janine, general manager of Madame Tussauds museum. “尽管她只有几个月大,什洛已经成为全世界流行文化中一个标志性人物”杜莎夫人蜡像馆总经理詹尼说。
Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings. 摩5:22你们虽然向我献燔祭、和素祭、我却不悦纳.也不顾你们用肥畜献的平安祭。
Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning. 2如今我的哀告还算为悖逆。我的责罚比我的唉哼还重。
Even when some write us off, we have faith in ourselves. We are fighting in these competitions and our target is still intact - to win them all. “甚至当一切报道认为我们不行了的时候,我们依然对自己有信心。我们在各个赛事中奋战,而我们的目标是完美--全部拿下。”
Even when we go behind we can change things around and still come back right up until the very end. “即使当我们在联赛中落后了,我们能够改变这个不利的现状,并且在赛季末段紧随其后,并追回一些分数。”
Even young children despise me; I rise up and they speak against me. 伯19:18连小孩子也藐视我.我若起来、他们都嘲笑我。
Eventually, the cartilage breaks down altogether and sufferers experience severe pain as the two ends of the bones rub against each other. “最终软骨完全被损坏,当两个骨骼的末端互相摩擦时患者就会体验到剧烈的疼痛。”
Ever had a drink of watermelon wine?he asked. 「喝过西瓜酒吗?」他问我。

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