During the spectacular series of eruptions at Etna's southeast crater in the first half of 2000, these fountains rose as high as 1,200 meters above the crater's rim—a stunning height rarely observed at any volcano.
2000年上半年一连串壮观的喷发中,埃特纳的东南方火山口就喷出了距火山口1200公尺高的熔岩喷泉,这麽惊人的高度在全世界任何火山都属罕见。 |
During the speech, the speaker should take into account those factors such as the interactive expression of verbal language and non-verbal language, the embodiment of psychological as well as physiological activities, revelation of quality, and proper use
在演讲过程中,要涉及到有声语言、态势语言的交叉表达,生理、心理的表征体现,风度气质的真实展示,情感的控制与运用等。 |
During the splendid performance, you will not only appreciate the Beijing urheen solo “Deep Night” which enjoys the reputation of Chinese old serenade, bone flute performance widespread in ancient times, wonderful Chinese opera stunt “Face-changing”, fash
您可以聆听到享有“中国古老小夜曲”之称的京胡独奏《夜深沉》、远古绝音骨笛演奏,观赏到神奇玄妙的中国戏曲绝技《变脸》、表现大清王朝宫廷礼仪的时装舞蹈、独具上海地方特色的叫卖《街头集景》,并参与感受传统喜庆婚典《抛球秀、点鸳鸯》节目等。 |
During the spring and autumn every year, especially at “March third Song Festival”, men, women, the old or the young gather in the special places at Yufeng Hill and River Bank Garden to sing each other, the splendor of the occasion surpasses anything here
每年春秋两季,尤其是“三月三”歌节,男女老少都盛装打扮,汇集到鱼峰山、江滨公园等特定的场所进行对歌,盛况空前。 |
During the spring it often rains in Hong Kong. Although light, the rain necessitates the wearing of rain clothes and shoes. It is a nuisance.
香港的春天,常常下雨,虽然下得不大,但也要穿雨衣,雨鞋,很不方便。 |
During the storm I came face to face with death.
在暴风雪中我与死神只有一步之遥。 |
During the storm, some of the equipment on deck fell by the board.
在暴风雨中,甲板上的一些设备掉到海里去了。 |
During the storm, the old house fell to pieces.
在暴风雨中,那座老房子塌了。 |
During the study, investigators examined the genomes of 1,046 children with type 1 diabetes from paediatric diabetes clinics in Philadelphia and four Canadian cities.
在研究期间,研究人员检测了在费城和4个加拿大城市的儿童糖尿病门诊就诊的1046例1型糖尿病儿童的染色体。 |
During the subsequent drifting, attributing to other boats, our boat turned over for twice. Our boat had to turn upside down at the bottom of the fall because of the heavy bumping from the upriver boat. really amusing!
在接下来的漂流中,由于其它船的缘故,我们又翻过两次船。两次都是我们在谷底,被上游跟下来的船砸翻的。真是有趣得很! |
During the summer and winter vacation of 2002, I served as a salesgirl at the Beauty Products Counter in Hangzhou Baisheng Department Store.
在2002年寒暑假期间,我在杭州百盛商场美容品柜台当过销售员。 |