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Their health collapses, as does the health-care system that Mr Godwin's mother, a doctor, laboured to create.

Their happiness was transient,for the war broke out soon after they got married. 他们的幸福是短暂的,因为他们婚后不久就爆发了战争。
Their hardness was understood by the teacher. 他们的艰难得到老师的理解。
Their harp was their passport. 他们的竖琴就是通行证。
Their hatred as well as their love,is incomparable intense. 他们的爱与憎,都是无可比拟的贪婪。
Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags. 她们的脑袋里装的都是棉花、乾草跟破布。
Their health collapses, as does the health-care system that Mr Godwin's mother, a doctor, laboured to create. 他们的健康崩塌了,随之崩塌的还有他做医生的母亲倾力创造的医保体系。
Their heart cried out to the Lord: O wall of the daughter of Zion, Let tears run down like a stream Day and night; Give yourself no respite; Let not the pupil of your eye cease. 18锡安民的心哀求主:锡安女子的城墙阿,愿你昼夜流泪如河,不得歇息;愿你眼中的瞳人,泪流不止。
Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones. 2他们心怀二意,现今要定为有罪。耶和华必拆毁他们的祭坛,毁坏他们的柱像。
Their heart is faithless; Now they must bear their guilt. The Lord will break down their altars And destroy their sacred pillars. 何10:2他们心怀二意、现今要定为有罪.耶和华必拆毁他们的祭坛、毁坏他们的柱像。
Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in your law. 70他们心蒙脂油.我却喜爱你的律法。
Their hearts are like an oven; they approach him with intrigue. Their passion smolders all night; in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire. 6首领埋伏的时候,心中热如火炉,就如烤饼的整夜睡卧,到了早晨火气炎炎。

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