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Metal Processing Camp and Song Technology Camp of Performing Arts Center of Taipei National University of Arts.

Metafiles are used primarily to transfer representations of vector graphic drawings through the clipboard. 元文件最初用于通过剪贴板传递矢量图形绘制的图像。
Metagems - Metagems are only usable in high-level helms. 镶嵌宝石——镶嵌宝石只有在高等级的头盔中才有用。
Metagems require an item created with alchemy, and are on a one hour cooldown for crafting. 镶嵌珠宝需要炼金制造的物品,并且有着1小时的冷却时间。
Metal Gear Solid 3 returns with a vengeance in this special edition, which significantly improves an already great action adventure game while adding a solid new online mode and some great extras. 在这个特别版里,《合金装备3》以大大超出人们预期的姿态“卷土重来”了——由于添加了一个架构坚实而纯粹的在线模式和一些相当出色的附加内容,这个原本已经非常优秀的动作冒险游戏又被提升到了一个令人注目的新高度。
Metal Injection Molding, One step Vacuum de-wax sintering process, Powder metallurgy monthly. 1金属粉末射出成型真空一次脱蜡烧结法,粉末冶金月刊.
Metal Processing Camp and Song Technology Camp of Performing Arts Center of Taipei National University of Arts. 国立艺术学院展演艺术中心金工研习营、表演场所音响技术研习会。
Metal Slug 5 - Details are scarce, but expect the next iteration of the Metal Slug series to continue its fine, 2D, shoot-everything gameplay. We love it already. 合金弹头5-介绍比较少,但是希望合金弹头最新作还是继续2D自由射击模式。
Metal can be made into all kinds of things. 金属可制成各种各样的物品。
Metal finish will withstand 1000-hour exposure in saturated humidity at 100 degrees F. 华氏100度、饱和湿度情况下,可以抵抗1000小时的暴露。
Metal flow is a very inhomogeneous process during backward extrusion of complex box body, Relative shape and size of the blank is a key factor which affect metal flow. 摘要复杂盒形零件的反挤压是一个极其不均匀的流动过程,坯料的相对形状及尺寸是影响金属流动的关键因素。
Metal halide gas-discharge lamps possess the advantages of small sige,high luminous efficiency,long life good start quality,simply appending power supply .They are widely use in movie projectors and overhead projectors etc.The metal-halide gas-discharge l 金属卤化物放电灯具有体积小、发光效率高、使用寿命长、启动性能好附加电源较为简单等优点,一般用于电影放映机、投影仪等仪器,品种有金卤灯(汞灯)、镝灯、钪钠灯、钠铊灯等.

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