When it came to whether nuclear reactions took place in the experiments, the report noted that two thirds of reviewers found the evidence unconvincing, one person found it compelling, and the remainder were somewhat convinced.
至于实验中是否发生了核反应,报告中指出,审查委员中有2/3认为证据不足以采信,有一位认为具有说服力,其他委员则认为可信。 |
When it came to writing rules, LI Qing-zhao, with popular language and melodious rhythm and rhyme, ironed out the contradiction between elegance and mediocrity in late Northern Song Dynasty.
就词法而论,李清照以通俗的语言和好懂的音律,化解了宋词发展到北宋末期,已进入到既要雅又要俗的两难困境。 |
When it changes the accounting treatments for long-term equity investments from the cost method to the equity method as a result of additional investments, the investing enterprise should regard the book value of the equity investment as the new initial c
五)企业因追加投资等原因对长期股权投资的核算从成本法改为权益法,应当自实际取得对被投资单位控制、共同控制或对被投资单位实施重大影响时,按股权投资的账面价值作为初始投资成本,初始投资成本与应享有被投资单位所有者权益份额的差额,作为股权投资差额,并按本制度的规定摊销,计入损益。 |
When it comes down to it, empowering leadership is sometimes the only real advantage one organization has over another in our competitive society.
当事情回归到基本面,授权的领导力有时是一家组织在我们这个竞争激烈的社会中凌驾另一家公司唯一的真正优势。 |
When it comes down to it, you can't really protect the password, without going through lots of hoops, or by using a SSL cert, which is ultimately the best solution.
到这里,你会发现不多动点脑筋似乎很难保证安全性,那就使用SSL协议吧,这个最简单了。 |
When it comes on spending money on make-up, it seems that there is just no beating a British woman.
如果要问谁最舍得在化妆品上花银子,英国女人应该当之无愧。 |
When it comes time for emotional support, are you able to share that intimacy?
一旦需要情感支持,你们能推心置腹吗? |
When it comes to China's domestic reality, along with the all-round construction of the well-off society, it is essential to learn and borrow people-oriented principle, the spirit of economization, the consciousness of misery, the spirit of learning and i
联系我国的实际,认为在我们全面建设小康社会的过程中,很有必要学习和借鉴日本企业文化表现出来的“以人为本”思想、节约精神和忧患意识、学习与创新精神、民族意识和团队精神,以及强调经济效益与社会效益统一的经营理念。 |
When it comes to Detroit, there is another factor.
尤其面对活塞时,乔丹更有另一股精神动力。 |
When it comes to English, I can't compete with him.
(要说英语,我就没法和他比了。) |
When it comes to better, faster and cheaper wildland fire training, “you can have two out of three, but not all three at the same time.
当荒地防火训练变得更好,更快,更便宜时,“你可以同时拥有两种而不是三种训练。” |