Suddenly we hear the shriek of unwary animal take by surprise.
突然我们听到了无戒备的动物遭突袭的尖叫声。 |
Suddenly we in the streets saw smoke streaming from the besieged house.
突然,我们在街上看到从被包围的房子里升起一道烟。 |
Suddenly woke to the danger we were in.
突然地认识到我们所处的危险 |
Suddenly you feel your sink rate increase and the canopy spins to the right.
突然地你感觉下降率增加且这伞向右旋转。 |
Suddenly you see it through their eyes, and this needn't be flattering.
突然间你开始从别人的角度来看自己的工作,这可不见得是什么好事。 |
Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing.
他素描画得很娴熟,突然,艾贝提议去滑雪。 |
Suddenly, Bertha found herself swimming for her life.
突然间,柏莎发现她必须为了求生而游泳. |
Suddenly, I am conscious of a white beam of light, knowing that I must follow it or be lost.
突然,我意识到一束白光,我知道我必须跟从它,否则我就会迷失。 |
Suddenly, I saw a small snake glaring at me me viciously, sticking a blood red tougue. I felt my legs trembling with fear.
突然,我看到了一条小蛇,正用恶毒的眼光看着我,火红的舌头一吐一吐的,吓的我腿都发抖了。 |
Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up.
突然,我看到官员脸上露出了得意的神色。 |
Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up. He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.
那位官员十分仔细地把箱子检查了一遍。所有细心包装好的东西一会儿工夫就乱成一团。我相信那箱子再也关不上了。 |