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For all kinds of acute and chronic hyperosteogeny of Lumbar, vertebra cervicalis and all kinds of joints.

For all humans desire at one point to be immortal, not to be forgotten. 人的欲望总是无穷,永远不会被忘却.
For all its faults, the EU has worked over the past year. 尽管欧盟有这样那样的过错,它在过去的一年里依然运作。
For all its harshness and irrationality, it is the only world we've got. 尽管这个社会严酷而不合情理,但它毕竟是我们惟一拥有的世界。
For all its pro-left rhetoric—Mr Wen's speech to the NPC was suffused with it—the leadership realises that it also has to keep on side a growing urban middle class whose tolerance of party rule is particularly vital to its grip on power. 虽然温在两会上的讲话充满对弱势群体的关怀,但领导层当然也意识到城市日益崛起的中产阶级对他们政权的稳固十分重要。
For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society. 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。
For all kinds of acute and chronic hyperosteogeny of Lumbar, vertebra cervicalis and all kinds of joints. 用于各种急慢性腰椎、颈椎、及各种关节骨质增生等症的康复。
For all kinds of grinding machines,printing machines,laser cutting &marking machines,shoemaking machines,laboratories,plastic injectines machines,high-speed spindle machines;and vacuum pump for semiconductor equipment. 各种研磨机械,印刷机械,雷射切割及雕刻机械,鞋类制造机,模具冷却,塑胶射出机,高速主轴及真空泵等。
For all kinds of pain in waist, shoulder, back induced by cold and dampness, numbness of limbs, stiff extend and band. 用于各种风寒湿热引起的腰、肩、背疼痛,四肢麻木,关节伸曲不利症的康复。
For all matters of fundraising, or any queries or opinions, please feel free to call Mr. To Yiu Ming (pager: 7684 8713), Mark Li (3411 5686), or any exco member. 有关筹款事项,若有任何查询或意见,请随时与杜耀明(传呼:76848713)、李建贤(电话:34115686)、或本会任何理事联络。
For all of my father's house were but dead men before my lord the king: yet didst thou set thy servant among them that did eat at thine own table. 撒下19:28因为我祖全家的人、在我主我王面前、都算为死人.王却使仆人在王的席上、同人吃饭。
For all of the Yankees' pitching injuries, their rookie starters have not been their problem. 对于洋基所有受伤的投手们来说,他们的菜鸟先发投手不是他们的问题。

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