The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away.
耶6:29风箱吹火.铅被烧毁.他们炼而又炼、终是徒然.因为恶劣的还未除掉。 |
The bellows are burned; The lead is consumed by the fire; The refining continues in vain, For the wicked are not removed.
29风箱烧毁;铅被火烧尽;尽管炼而又炼,终是徒然,因为恶劣的尚未除掉。 |
The bellows blow fiercely to burn away the lead with fire, but the refining goes on in vain; the wicked are not purged out.
29风箱吹火,铅被烧毁。他们炼而又炼,终是徒然。因为恶劣的还未除掉。 |
The bellows blow fiercely, The lead is consumed by the fire; In vain the refining goes on, But the wicked are not separated.
耶6:29风箱吹火.铅被烧毁.他们炼而又炼、终是徒然.因为恶劣的还未除掉。 |
The bells are tolling as Virginia pauses to pay tribute to those killed in the Virginia Tech shootings.
钟声响起,弗吉尼亚的人们为在弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案中的死者举行悼念活动。 |
The belly button symbolizes the origin of life.
肚脐的意象象徵著生命的起源。 |
The belly has no ears.
食欲不长耳。 |
The belt contains as many as 10 billion objects at least one mile across; astronomers estimate five to 10 of those are jumbo-sized.
在柯依伯带中直径1英里的距离中就有至少100亿个天体;天文学家估计它们中可能有5到10个是体积巨大的。 |
The belt contains nearly 1,000 objects, including Pluto.
这个天体带中几乎有1000个天体,其中就包括冥王星。 |
The belt itself was a taped up version of the winged eagle WWF World title that was destroyed on-air.
皮带本身是一个录音版本最多的鹰翅WWF世界称号,被击毁的飞机. |
The belt we use is easy to clean with strong wear resistance, long life and heavy load.
我们的输送带经久耐用、易清洗、能进行高强度运输。 |