If due to incapacity or sickness an Advisor is unable to work for a consecutive period of seven days, and such situation seems likely in BUYER's opinion to continue for at least a further seven days, the SELLER shall replace such Advisor with a suitably q
如果某指导人员没有能力或因病不能工作连续达7天,并且买方认为该状况还可能至少再持续7天,那么,在合理情况下,卖方应尽快选派一名合格人员来替换该指导人员。 |
If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means which shall be directly and independently
在保险有效期内,若被保险人在中国广东省境内发生确属明显外来意外事故所直接引致之明显身体损伤,而需要紧急救治医疗,在本保险单之最高保障限额之内,中国交通保险将为被保险人支付由法律上合格的医师、医生、謢士及医院因施救所缴收的必要及合理救治费用。 |
If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means which shall be directly and independently
在本保险单有效期间内,若被保险人中国广东省境内发生确属意外事故所致之明显身体损伤或身故,中国交通保险当按照后开保险条或批文及赔偿责任的规定,依照本保险单内所载赔偿金额表所规定的金额赔偿给被保险人或其指定的受益人。 |
If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means, the following emergency assistance servic
在保险有效期内,若被保险人在中国广东省境内发生确属意外事故所直接引致之明显身体损伤,而需要紧急支持服务,被保险人可致电二十四小时紧急服务热线,中国交通保险特约之服务机构国际救援(亚洲)公司(以下简称“I.P.A.”)将提供下列之服务。 |
If during the Seller's guarantee period, the operation of the Equipment has to be stopped owing to a defect caused by the Seller, Equipment shall be replaced or repaired by the Seller.
在卖家承诺的保质期内,由于卖方的原因而导致设备不能正常运行,必须由卖方更换或者是维修设备。 |
If dust thou art and ashes ,is thy heart so great?
如果你是艺术的灰烬,你的心因而如此伟大? |
If dynamism and pragmatism are two obvious positive features of contemporary China, the nightmares are equally evident.
如果说蓬勃发展和实用主义是当代中国两个明显的积极特征,那么事情的另一方面也同样是不言而喻的。 |
If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he wilt later find it natural to work for the good of society and for the good of his country.
如果每个学生在球场上学会了为自己的球队而不是为他自己竭尽全力,那么他以后会感到为社会的利益、为祖国的利益而工作是理所当然的了。 |
If each of us has an attitude of being grateful, we'll be able to get rid of impulse, upset, dissatisfaction and misfortune.
如果人人都有一颗感恩的心,就能沉淀许多的浮躁和不安,消融许多的不满和不幸。 |
If each political party has one position in the policy space when two elections are held at the same time, then sincere and strategic voting can only provide partial explanations for split-ticket voting.
从「空间理论」的观点来看,若政党在同时举行的两项选举中只有一个政策位置,则真诚投票与策略性投票仅能解释部分的分裂投系。 |
If each would sweep before his own door,we should have a clean street.
家家各把门前扫,整条街道都会井井有条。 |