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Adebayor is seen aggressively wading into the fracas, though it is not certain, on the evidence available to The Independent, that he struck anyone.

Adds or updates a service record. 添加或更新一条服务记录。
Adds or updates a site record. 添加或更新一条站点记录。
Adds or updates a virtual server record. 添加或更新一条虚服务器记录。
Adds silvery brightness to gray hair and neutralizes brassy tones in all shades. Formulated with blue malva and coneflower to help impart wanted moisture and brightness. 中和所有颜色秀发的黄铜色,增加灰发的光泽。蓝曼娃和矢车菊配方,增加秀发的湿润度和亮泽。
Adduction of the upper arm to maximize forward propulsion. 内收上臂以产生最大的向前推进力。
Adebayor is seen aggressively wading into the fracas, though it is not certain, on the evidence available to The Independent, that he struck anyone. 根据独立报手上的证据,可见阿德巴约的而且确进取地介入殴斗中,虽然不能确定他有攻击任何人。
Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, “Microelectronics Circuits,” Fourth Edition, pp.285-288, Oxford, 1998. 胡振国编译,类比积体电路分析与设计,第241-254页,全华,民国八十四年。
Adelaide Cellar Door represents over 25 wineries in Australia and sells top quality wines at wholesale prices. 阿德莱德莎拉多国际酒业在澳大利亚有超过25家经过非本机构的质量控制委员会认证的优质酒庄。
Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers, cool winters, and an average annual rainfall of 530 mm. 阿德莱德属于地中海型气候,夏季炎热、冬季凉爽,平均年降雨量530毫米。
Adelaide resident Jan Ruff-O'Herne says she has lost all respect for the Japanese government after the advertisement appeared in the Washington Post newspaper. 家住阿德雷德的奥赫恩称,自从华盛顿邮报刊登了这则广告后,她对日本政府的所有尊敬便荡然无存了。
Adele:Some of the police in the baggage hall had sniffer dogs on leashes and they were sniffing the baggage of everyone as they went through customs. 阿黛尔:行李厅里有些警察牵著嗅探犬,每个乘客过关时,嗅探犬都会闻他们的行李。

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