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This paper introduced the basic control mode of automatic control system of coagulant dosage,taking the technique of streaming current defection for example, and then the merits and demerits of each control mode and the applicability was analyzed.

This paper introduced how to use the so-called Adaptive Self Noise Cancellerin the digital signal processing to deal with telluric data with this kind of interference. 对实际观测数据的处理结果表明,采用此方法可以很好的消除秒采样地电场观测数据中地电阻率供电产生的干扰。
This paper introduced in detail the whole structure and functions of new DVD optical pickup parameter adjusting equipment and its various components, discussed the difficulties during designing and developing the adjuster, mainly including: the mechanical 摘要详细介绍了新型DVD光学头调整仪的总体结构及各组成部分的功能与作用,并对调整仪在设计开发过程中的一些难点作了初步探讨,主要包括机械调整平台、光学头夹持及气动控制单元、光学头伺服控制与光斑定位检测单元、以及参数提取显示控制单元等在设计研发中的基本思想和要点。
This paper introduced multi-language interface solving methods under.NET and provided a new solving method.New method used dispersive resource files and centralized resource manager.It is easy to realize and expande. 简单介绍了目前在.NET下的多语言实现方法,提出一种新的解决方案,它采用分散的资源文件和集中式的资源管理,实现简单且容易扩展。
This paper introduced the application of the nano-technology in clinical diagnosis?examination?treatment and biomedicine material.reviewed the development and the abroad application in the medical technic region. 介绍了纳米技术在临床诊断与检测、临床治疗和生物医学材料上的应用,阐述了纳米技术在医学技术领域中的迅猛发展及获得的广泛应用,揭示了纳米技术在医学领域中广阔的发展前景。
This paper introduced the application theory and technology of numeral technology in the forestry harmful biology management, from which it might found that the numeral technology would replace the traditional method, and was applied in the forestry harmf 摘要介绍数码技术在林业有害生物管理中的应用原理和应用技术,从中可以看出,数码技术将取代传统方法,广泛应用于林业有害生物信息的采集、处理、存储和交流,为监测预警、检疫检验、防治救灾提供科学依据。
This paper introduced the basic control mode of automatic control system of coagulant dosage,taking the technique of streaming current defection for example, and then the merits and demerits of each control mode and the applicability was analyzed. 以流动电流检测技术为例,介绍混凝投药自动控制系统的基本控制方式,并且对各种控制方式的优缺点及适用条件作了分析。
This paper introduced the basic theory of Zinc leaching residue volatilization kiln, combine with the practice improving on the one system before, and analyzing the causation of the low-level-pollution of Zinc leaching residue volatilization kiln, then br 摘要文章介绍了锌浸出渣挥发窑的基本原理,结合一系统挥发窑改进,分析了挥发窑低空污染产生的原因,提出合适的治理方案。
This paper introduced the changes of starch, protein, fat and other main compositions during rice wine fermentation, and the function of cooperative fermentation by yeast and Lactobacillus. 摘要介绍了黄酒发酵过程中淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪等主要成分的变化及酵母和乳酸杆菌的协同发酵作用。
This paper introduced the cleaning out techniques of pesticide residues on agro-products, including physical, chemical, and biological techniques. Moreover the advantages and disadvantages of them were discussed. 摘要本文简述了当前産后农産品中农药残留降解技术的研究概况,从包括物理、化学、生物等技术,同时对它们的优缺点进行了比较。
This paper introduced the control effect of 20% Saisentong SC on rice bacteriaI blight. 介绍了20%噻森铜悬浮剂对水稻白叶枯病的田间防效。
This paper introduced the current situation and the developing trend of sports biomechanics. 介绍了运动生物力学的研究现状和发展趋势。

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