Akie Abe voiced sympathy for Crown Princess Masako, who has a 4-year-old daughter, Princess Aiko, but has been under intense pressure to bear a male heir to the throne. |
中文意思: 安倍昭惠也对日本太子妃雅子表示了同情。雅子育有4岁的女儿爱子,但因未为日本皇室生育男性继承人而饱受压力。 |
Akbar is a blend of the finest small leafceylon tea grown between 4000 and 6500 feet in the mountain range of Ceylon where the air is crispp and pure.As a result it has its pleasing aroma,bright colour and rich smooyh flavor.
生长于海拔4000到6500英尺高山上的“小叶”锡兰茶,是绝对正宗的锡兰红茶,有着美妙的香味,明亮的色泽及丰富的口感。 |
Akenside, Mark. The Pleasures of Imagination, A Poem in Three Books(1744). In Poetical Works. Edited by Robin Dix. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999.
马克?阿肯赛德,《想像的乐趣,一首诗写在三本书?堙n(1774)。选自《诗集》。罗宾?狄克斯?麦迪森编辑。新泽西:菲尔勒?狄金森大学出版社,1999版。 |
Akerlof, G. Labor Contracts as Partial Gift Exchange.QJE (1982): 543-69.
以劳动合同作为部分礼物交换〉《经济学季刊》(1982):543-69页。 |
Akerlof, George A. Behavioral Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Behavior.
乔治A.阿克劳夫,《行为总体经济学与总体经济行为》。 |
Aki: We need to find my ship.
我们需要找到我的飞船。 |
Akie Abe voiced sympathy for Crown Princess Masako, who has a 4-year-old daughter, Princess Aiko, but has been under intense pressure to bear a male heir to the throne.
安倍昭惠也对日本太子妃雅子表示了同情。雅子育有4岁的女儿爱子,但因未为日本皇室生育男性继承人而饱受压力。 |
Akie Abe's remarks to a magazine were remarkably frank for a prime minister's wife, reflecting her effort to show a more human side of her husband, Japan's youngest post-World War II premier.
作为首相夫人,安倍昭惠对于某杂志的这番言论显得相当坦率,反映出她在努力展示她的丈夫、日本二战后最年轻的首相人性化的一面。 |
Akie is now popular in Abe's district, where her fondness for an occasional drink -- in contrast to her husband, who prefers sweets -- has made her a hit with his supporters.
昭惠在安倍晋三的选区很受欢迎,她的好酒量为安倍赢得了不少支持者。与夫人相反,安倍则是滴酒不沾,喜爱吃糖。 |
Akkadian was written with the cuneiform writing system, on clay tablets, and was in use from the beginning to about 750 B.C.
阿卡德语被作为书写在粘土板上的楔形文字,从最初一直被使用到公元前750年。 |
Akujiki has chosen its master.
恶食已经选择了它的主人。 |
Akustica will be able to function as a virtual company, one that does not need its own manufacturing operations.
声理公司将可以虚拟公司的方式运作,无需自行制造生产。 |