Malamud has won many literary awards, and his works are mainly concerned with the lower class people, the miserable life of Jewish people, as well as the spiritual anguish and helplessness of their hard journey into the mainstream society.
马拉默德曾获多种文学奖项,他的作品主要以社会最底层的人物作为描写对象,尤其展示和刻画犹太移民的苦难生活,以及在融入美国主流社会中遭遇的精神痛苦和孤独无助,其笔下的犹太人生存环境向世人展示出一幅充斥着肮脏拥挤居住区的凄惨画卷。 |
Malformations of chorda tympani nerve
外中耳畸形并发鼓索神经异常 |
Malic and quinic acids were the major fruit acids (77-97%) ranging from . to 9. g/00 ml juice.
苹果酸和奎宁酸是主要的果酸(77%-97%),含量为每00ml果汁中.-9.g。 |
Malignant Melanoma of Anal Canal and Rectum
肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤 |
Malignant cells in cerebrospinal fluid cytology can be found in only cases of dura-arachno reinforcement and all cases of pia mater and ependyma.
例硬脑膜 -蛛网膜强化者仅 例脑脊液细胞学检到瘤细胞 ; 例软脑膜 -蛛网膜强化者脑脊液细胞学均检到瘤细胞 ; |
Malignant melanoma arising from a congenital pigmented naevus in a patient with sarcoidosis:Cause or coincidence?
例结节病患者的先天性色素痣发生恶性黑素瘤:病因或巧合? |
Mallambyx raddei Blessig originated from Japan,invaded to China in 99 and became the serious pest in nature forest of oak forests.
栗山天牛的原产地在日本,99侵入中国后成为严重危害我国天然柞树林的一种害虫. |
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome Analysis of 8 Cases
贲门粘膜撕裂综合征8例分析 |
Maltophilia, (9.%) strains of P.aerugnosa, strains of Flavobacterium meningo, strains of C.
金属β内酰胺酶阳性的菌株在种底物纸片中均与EDTA、—MPA和MPA纸片有明显的协同作用,其中—MPA络合效果最好,与CuCl_、FeCl_纸片协同作用较弱。 |
Management System of Scientific Researches that Utilize TI-9 Calculators
利用TI——9计算器的科研计划管理系统 |
Management of bilateral ectopia lentis et pupillae syndrome
双眼晶体异位并瞳孔综合症的治疗 |