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In selecting the upper limit value, sufficient room shall be maintained.

In seeking the injunctions, Lord Goldsmith insisted he was wearing the latter hat. 在试图申请禁令时,戈德史密斯勋爵坚持自己是以第二种身份示人。
In seeking ye shall find. 寻求,你将会得到。
In seen of the studies in the reiew, patients with unstable angina treated with tongxinluo and conentional treatment who underwent EKGs had better results than patients treated with conentional treatment alone. 本文涉及的7个研究种,采用通心络和传统疗法治疗不稳定性心绞痛病人,心电图显示效果优于单独应用传统疗法。
In seeral studies included in the reiew, taking tongxinluo improed angina patients' electrocardiogram results. 本分析包括的几项研究中,通心络可以改善心绞痛病人的心电图结果。
In seismic behavior confined shale brick masonry wall can be a good substitute for confined clay brick masonry wall. 在抗震性能上页岩砖完全可以取代粘土砖作为约束砌体墙的砌筑材料。
In selecting the upper limit value, sufficient room shall be maintained. 在选择压力表的上限值时应留有充分的余地。
In self-abased, feeling anxious, narrow, sealing off, rebelling against since this group centre, aiding cause, some poor lives such as policy hiatus, economy and too big and particular factor of employment pressure financially to have appeared, the person 在这个群体中间,由于资助政策缺失、经济和就业压力过大及个体因素等原因,一些贫困生出现了自卑、焦虑、狭隘、封闭、叛逆、人格缺陷等心理健康问题。
In selling each service link , such as ticket , leading riding ,etc., the obstacle question of the language is very outstanding , when offer service of selling ticket , consultation ,etc. for those native regional accents heavier nonlocal passenger staff 在售票、导乘等各个服务环节中,语言障碍问题十分突出,工作人员在为那些乡音较重的外地乘客提供售票、咨询等服务时,一般都比较费时。
In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it came out as a book in 2003. 在高中,大卫写了一个关于青少年生活的故事,并且它在2003年作为一本书出版了。
In senior high school we have Chinese, Science, English, and so forth. 在上高中时, 我们有语文, 英语, 科学等课程。
In sensitive people, anaphylaxis can occur within minutes or up to several hours after exposure to a specific allergy-causing substance. 一些敏感性体质的人群,在暴露于特定的引起过敏的物质时,会在几分钟至几小时之内发生过敏反应。

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