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I suppose any Bluetooth Access Point would work as long as it has the Dial-Up Netwoking Profile.

I suppose Mr Lin will pair off with Miss Wang in the end. 我料想到头来林先生总会和王小姐结成夫妇。
I suppose Randy will return tomorrow for her hat. 我想兰蒂明天会自己回来拿她的帽子。
I suppose Tom is quite in high spirits at your success? 我想汤姆对你的成功感到相当高兴吧?
I suppose a certain bust size wouId heIp. Maybe some bathing-suit shots? 胸脯当然是越大越好啦。是不是要她们寄几张泳装照?
I suppose all the compositions are world famous pieces. 我想所有的曲子都是世界名曲吧。
I suppose any Bluetooth Access Point would work as long as it has the Dial-Up Netwoking Profile. 我想任何蓝牙只要有拨号网络功能都能成功。
I suppose even Ma's spin-doctors' standard excuse, Of course Ma Ying-jeou knew nothing about thatused for example when false receipts were turned in for funds deposited into his personal bank account, just could not be bent in any way to apply here. 这些化妆师们在马英九将市长私吞特别费并持假收据上报时使用了「马英九当然毫不知情」的藉口,但即使这样的藉口却不管怎麽掰都无法应用在「北市府陈尸案」上。
I suppose he is quite in spirits at your success? 我想他对你的成功感到相当高兴吧?
I suppose he told you about the chauffeur waiting respectfully… and listen, did he tell you how the engine purred all the time? 我知道这里面有不少假话,所以也不大在乎,可他又告诉我那女人雇了一辆车带他去了波伊思公园,他拿那女人的丈夫的皮大衣当毯子用,这就太过分了。
I suppose he's coming to us. 我才他会到这来的。
I suppose i should go to see a doctor. 9我觉得我得去找医生看看。

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