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Authors used a focused ethnography method for data collection and observation of the elderly's daily life in nursing homes of Taiwan and another nursing home in America.

Authors briefly discussed some major issues, such as,the concept and classification of desertification as well as the monitoring and assessment on desertificatiion. 作者对当前荒漠化中的若干问题(如荒漠化的认识,分类、分级以及监测评价等),进行了简要评述。
Authors employed the mechanism of predictive control to present the approach of traffic flow system computer control to realize the combination of traffic assignment and control, based on the adjustable traffic flow predictive model and two-layer genetic 摘要应用预测控制的机理,提出基于可校正交通流预测模型和两级遗传算法以实现交通分配和交通控制相结合的交通流系统计算机控制方法。
Authors finished some tests for several ship types in order to promote the development of the lines fairing. 作者对几种船型作了成功的实验,希骥以此推动线型光顺的发展。
Authors of the highest eminence seem to be fully satisfied with the view that each species has been independently created. 地位最崇高的作者们似乎完全满足于一种看法,即认为每种动物都是单独创造的。
Authors should consider this cross-disciplinary audience and limit the use of specialized terminology. 作者们应该考虑各个学科的读者,尽量限制使用专门术语。
Authors used a focused ethnography method for data collection and observation of the elderly's daily life in nursing homes of Taiwan and another nursing home in America. 本文的作者运用人类学方法做为资料收集的方式;并观察一间位于台湾及一间位于美国护理之家老人的生活情况;然后,做一个跨文化的比较。
Authors will include some of the most famous women of the period: Hildegard of Bingen, Heloise of Paris, Marie de France, Christine de Pizan, Joan of Arc, Margery Kempe, along with many interesting and intriguing though lesser known figures. 作家将涵盖当时大部分著名女作家:平吉的黑尔德嘉、巴黎的埃罗伊兹、马丽·德·法兰西、克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑、圣女贞德、马杰里·肯普及其他许多尽管不太著名却有趣迷人的女作家们。
Authors, readers, and, of course, books! 作者、读者及节庆主角:书本!
Authorship of your life is one of your absolute rights; yet so often people deny that they have the ability to script the life they desire. 每个人都绝对享有创造自己生活的权利,然而人们总是否认他们有能力描绘自己所向往的人生。
Autism is a little-understood neurological and behavior syndrome that interferes with a child's ability to relate or interact with others. 我们现在对孤独症的了解现在还较少,这是一种神经学和行为学上的综合症,妨碍孩子与他人交流及相处的能力。
Autism is a series of disorder that can range from mild to severe. 自闭症是一种可以导致从轻微到严重的一系列紊乱。

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