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His continuous chatter vexes me.

His conservative reading of the Bible helps protect his Anglican flank against the fast-growing Pentecostalists. 他对圣经的保守解读能保护他的圣公会信徒,与快速发展的五旬节教徒并驾齐驱。
His constant insults aroused my anger. 他不断的侮辱,激起了我的愤怒。
His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill. 他不断要求我们帮助他,过分利用了我们对他的好意。
His constituency at South Leeds was being kept warm for him although he was able to visit once or twice a year. 尽管他一年中到南利兹选区访问仅一到二次,但那儿的选举区一直为他保留着。
His continuing vigilance has paid off, and he has not had significant complications from diabetes. 他持续不断的警示终于起到了回报作用,他没有象其他的糖尿病患者那样带有大量的并发症状.
His continuous chatter vexes me. 他唠叨不休,真烦死我了。
His contract at Juventus doesn't expire before July 2011 so it will be a transfer fee involved if a move goes through. 他和尤文图斯的合同在2011年的7月份到期,因此他的转会费和这有着密不可分的关系。
His contract, which had a year to run, was terminated immediately. He will lose a $900,000 gratuity, but will be paid one month's salary, $162,650, in lieu of notice. 港府即时终止与他尚有一年的合约。黄河生将失去九十万元酬金,但会获得一个月薪金作为代通知金,为数$162,650。
His conversation is spiced with humor. 他的谈话有风趣。
His cool response suggested that he didn't like the idea. 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意.
His coolness has alienated his friends. 他的冷淡使他的朋友们疏远他。

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