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But in addition to confirming previous findings, the nontaster form helps to answer one of modern anthropology's most controversial questions: As our Homo sapiens ancestors spread across the world, did they interbreed with the more archaic hominids they m

But in a monetary union that is impossible. 可是在一个货币同盟中,这是不可能的。
But in a recent incident a motorcyclist was killed when he was hit by a police car chasing a graffiti artist. 但在最近一起事件中,一名机车骑士在一辆警车追逐一位涂鸦艺术家时被警车撞死。
But in a remarkable byproduct of such efforts, investigators have discovered that founder mutations can serve as the footprints humanity has left on the trail of time—these mutations provide a powerful way for anthropologists to trace the history of human 然而在这些努力过程中,研究人员已经有惊人的意外发现:创始者突变就像人类在时间道路上留下的足迹,提供人类学家有用的工具,追踪人类族群的历史,以及他们在全世界的迁徙过程。
But in a small percentage of adults, eye color can naturally become either noticeably darker or lighter with age. 但是,一小部分成年人眼睛的颜色却可以随着年龄的增长明显地变深或者变浅。
But in a television interview, she left fans with the tantalising, if remote, possibility that she may one day return to the magical world of Hogwarts. 但是她在一次电视采访中吊哈里波特迷的胃口,她可能在将来某一天重返霍格沃茨魔法学校。
But in addition to confirming previous findings, the nontaster form helps to answer one of modern anthropology's most controversial questions: As our Homo sapiens ancestors spread across the world, did they interbreed with the more archaic hominids they m 这个苦味基因的突变除了可验证过去的发现外,还解开了现代人类学中最具争议的问题:现代智人的祖先扩散到世界时,是否和他们在欧洲和亚洲遇到的其他古代人猿类繁衍后代?
But in addition to the obvious civil-liberties implications of an ID that could be used to track every commercial or government transaction, an ostensibly perfect token of identity could reduce security rather than enhance it. 不过,身分证件若可以用来追踪每一项商业或政府记录,显然会牵涉到公民自由的议题;除此之外,一个表面上完美的身分证明文件,对于安全性却可能会扣分,而不是加分。
But in all education time plays an important role in economic growth and leisure time has a low negative influence on economic growth owing to the industrialization in China and low preference to leisure. 但是由于我国处于工业化阶段,对闲暇的偏好还很低,总体上闲暇时间对我国经济增长有微弱的抑制作用。
But in an age when the power of independent agencies (including Catholic ones) is growing by the day, mightn't the Vatican enhance its authority by clarifying its own status? 但是,在独立机构(包括天主教会的)的力量正日益增强的这个时代,难道梵蒂冈不应该通过澄清自己的身份来加强自己的威信么?
But in an economy that comprises 13 diverse nations, such blessings are rarely unmixed. 然而该经济体内13个民族国家却表现各异,很难说有一体增长。
But in an interview ahead of the agency's flagship publication, World Energy Outlook, IEA chief economist Fatih Birol said: “We need a decision almost tomorrow if we are going to act before we reach a point of no return in climate and security of supply. 他表示,政界人士需要说服不情愿的选民,让他们相信核电是安全和必要的,同时还要创造有利的投资环境,让投资者进行必要的先期大规模资本支出。

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