Soon after this cultural rape, some of the stolen art objects began to appear in Western antique markets, as well as in the black markets in Iraq. |
中文意思: 这场文明浩劫发生后,一些被盗文物开始在西方的古董市场和伊拉克的黑市重现。 |
Soon after the blasts, Local TV channels showed angry devotees raising slogans against the local government for alleged lapses in security.
地方电视台在爆炸发生后立即播放的一些电视画面显示,愤怒的信众挥舞标语,抗议地方政府安全保卫工作疏失。 |
Soon after the diagnosis, everyone in the family had a blood test in the hope that one of us would be eligible bone-marrow donor.
诊断作出不久,家里人都接受了血液测试,希望我们中间有一位能成为合格的骨髓捐献者。 |
Soon after the little princess, there walked in a massively built, stout young man in spectacles, with a cropped head, light breeches in the mode of the day, with a high lace ruffle and a ginger-coloured coat.
紧随那矮小的公爵夫人之后,有一个块头大的、略嫌肥胖的年轻人走进来了、头发剪得短短的,戴着一付眼镜,穿着一条时髦的浅色裤子,那衣领显得又高又硬,还披上一件棕色的燕尾服。 |
Soon after the opening, a flood of patients started arriving at Dr. Zhang's office with mysterious new complaints: headaches, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, itchy skin, dry coughs, teary eyes, hair loss.
在工厂开工不久后,一个个有着奇怪病症的病人像洪水一样涌入张医生的诊所:头痛,呕吐,反胃,头昏眼花,皮肤发痒,干咳,泪水沾湿的眼睛,头发损失。 |
Soon after the takeover, Softbank dramatically wrote down the value of Vodafone's fixed assets—raising the question of why it had paid so much for them in the first place.
收购后没多久,软银就将沃达丰的固定资产大幅度地减值——让人们奇怪为什么它当初要为这些资产付那么多钱。 |
Soon after this cultural rape, some of the stolen art objects began to appear in Western antique markets, as well as in the black markets in Iraq.
这场文明浩劫发生后,一些被盗文物开始在西方的古董市场和伊拉克的黑市重现。 |
Soon afterCheers! he drained off the cup.
刚说完“干杯”,他便一饮而尽。 |
Soon after, Sui opened her first boutique in the Soho section of New york City.
不久之后,安娜在纽约的首间小型办公室或家庭式办公室的专卖时装精品店开张。 |
Soon after, the first off-world teleportation moved a milligram of iron to Mars.
很快,第一次将一毫克的铁传送到了远离地球的火星。 |
Soon after, the president asserted that CNN's Suzanne Malveaux was the first best-dressed person here.
过后不久,总统又断言,有线电视新闻网的苏珊.马沃斯是「在场最会穿衣服的第一人。」 |
Soon afterward they left.
他们不久以后就离开了。 |