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My brother! My knight! My son!

My brother was born a diplomat, with his transcendent gift in dealing with various kinds of people. 我兄弟应付形形色色人的才干超群,他可谓生来就是个外交家。
My brother was once a member of the mount Everest Expedition. 我弟弟曾是珠穆朗玛峰登山队的队员。
My brother was to be a great religious leader, to return the country to its former fervor, to turn the tide against atheism and the Revolution. “我的弟弟将成为一名伟大的虔诚的宗教领袖,使国家重新回到以往的宗教热忱,去扭转对抗无神论和革命的潮流。
My brother went in front and I walked behind. 我弟弟在前面走,我在他后面。
My brother went through a red light and got a ticket. 我哥哥闯红灯收到一张罚单.
My brother! My knight! My son! 我的兄弟!我的骑士!我的儿子!
My brother's girl friend is mean to me and my sister. 我哥哥的女朋友对我和我妹妹很不好。
My brother's got a goldfish,' said Amy. “我哥哥有只金鱼。”艾米说。
My brother's in the company. He was just promoted to department head. 我的兄弟在公司工作,他刚刚被提升为部门主管。
My brother's neighbour's sister is a nurse. 我兄弟的邻居的妹妹/姐姐是一名护士。
My brother's rinky-dink motorcycle just fell apart. 我兄弟那辆破摩托车已经解体了。

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