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Now that I have to stand up to intrduce myself , I will happily admit that I am as nervous as a cat on a hot roof.

Now that Grummus has been destroyed, the entrance to the Crypt of Bertoxxulous should open before your might. 现在古鲁姆被摧毁了,贝克斯休勒斯的墓穴之门会为了你强大的能力而被打开.
Now that He is seated at God's right hand, He continues, as our great High Priest, the work of intercession without ceasing. 他如今已坐在神的右边,他仍为大祭司,继续不断地作代祷的工作。
Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。
Now that I come to think of it, most of the good things in my life I owe to the Alphabet. 而现在回想起来,我生命中的美好事物,多半归功于那些小小的英文字母。
Now that I don't know. 那个我可不知道。
Now that I have to stand up to intrduce myself , I will happily admit that I am as nervous as a cat on a hot roof. 我不得不站起来介绍一下我自己,我承认现在我非常紧张,像热锅上的蚂蚁。
Now that I have to stand up to introduce myself, I will happily admit that I am as nervous as a cat on a hot roof. 现在我不得不站起来介绍我自己,我高兴地承认我现在我象热锅上的蚂蚁一样。
Now that I m writing this blog I am at a Greek café in Houston. 现在我正在休斯顿的一家希腊咖啡店写这篇博客。
Now that I run it for 24 hours a day, it is only $83 per hour. 既然我24小时营业,每小时的租金就只有83美元了。
Now that I'm 90, I find the exertions of travelling too great. 我已经年届90,出远门已力不从心。
Now that I'm graduating,I realized what a fun time I had in college. 就要毕业了,我才体会到在学校的时候是多么的开心啊。

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