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[bbe] The Lord will send on you the disease of Egypt, and other sorts of skin diseases which nothing will make well.

[bbe] The Lord of armies will come in with thunder and earth-shaking and great noise, with rushing wind and storm, and the flame of burning fire. 万军之耶和华必用雷轰,地震,大声,旋风,暴风,并吞灭的火焰,向他讨罪。
[bbe] The Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: See, I will send on this town and on all her towns all the evil which I have said; because they made their necks stiff, so that they might not give ear to my words. 万军之耶和华以色列的神如此说,我必使我所说的一切灾祸临到这城和属城的一切城邑,因为他们硬着颈项不听我的话。
[bbe] The Lord will not give him into their hands, or be against him when he is judged. 耶和华必不撇他在恶人手中,当审判的时候,也不定他的罪。
[bbe] The Lord will send disease after disease on you, till you have been cut off by death from the land to which you are going. 耶和华必使瘟疫贴在你身上、直到他将你从所进去得为业的地上灭绝。
[bbe] The Lord will send on you cursing and trouble and punishment in everything to which you put your hand, till sudden destruction overtakes you; because of your evil ways in which you have been false to me. 耶和华因你行恶离弃他、必在你手里所办的一切事上、使咒诅、扰乱、责罚临到你、直到你被毁灭、速速的灭亡。
[bbe] The Lord will send on you the disease of Egypt, and other sorts of skin diseases which nothing will make well. 耶和华必用埃及人的疮、并痔疮、牛皮癣、与疥、攻击你、使你不能医治。
[bbe] The Lord your God will send out the nations before you little by little; they are not to be rooted out quickly, for fear that the beasts of the field may be increased overmuch against you. 耶和华你神必将这些国的民、从你面前渐渐赶出、你不可把他们速速灭尽、恐怕野地的兽多起来害你。
[bbe] The Lord your God will send them away by force, driving them out before you; and you are to take their land for your heritage, as the Lord your God said to you. 耶和华你们的神必将他们从你们面前赶出去、使他们离开你们、你们就必得他们的地为业、正如耶和华你们的神所应许的。
[bbe] The Lord, the God of Israel, has said: This is what you are to say to the king of Judah who sent you to get directions from me: See, Pharaoh's army, which has come out to your help, will go back to Egypt, to their land. 耶和华以色列的神如此说,犹大王打发你们来求问我,你们要如此对他说,那出来帮助你们法老的军队必回埃及本国去。
[bbe] The Lord, the King of Israel, even the Lord of armies who has taken up his cause, says, I am the first and the last, and there is no God but me. 耶和华以色列的君,以色列的救赎主万军之耶和华如此说,我是首先的,我是末后的,除我以外,再没有真神。
[bbe] The Preacher made search for words which were pleasing, but his writing was in words upright and true. 传道者专心寻求可喜悦的言语,是凭正直写的诚实话。

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