When my great-grandfather wished to read it to his family, he placed the joint-stool on his knees, and then turned over the leaves under the tapes.
当我的祖先向他的家庭诵读时,他便将这摺凳转到他的膝上,在绳下翻开书页。 |
When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous abandonment.
当我的心被快乐的洪水卷走的时候,不要笑我的汹涌的退却。 |
When my hour was up, she removed all the jars and washed my back with hot towels.
治疗结束时,女按摩师拿走了所有的罐子,并用热毛巾擦洗我的背部。 |
When my love comes and sits by my side, when my body trembles and my eyelids droop, the night darkens, the wind blows out the lamp, and the clouds draw veils over the stars.
当我爱来了,坐在我身旁,当我的身躯震颤,我的眼睫下垂,夜更深了,风吹灯灭,云片在繁星上曳过轻纱。 |
When my mother got sick and my father was not working, my money went like water.
那会儿我妈妈病了,爸爸又没有工作,我的钱花得就像流水般快。 |
When my mother had died after a tragic accident, he did not quickly recover from the shock and loneliness.
当时我母亲在一次事故中惨死,父亲未能很快从悲痛与孤独中恢复过来。 |
When my mother is tired, I try to be helpful and make dinner.
当我的母亲有病时,我尽量帮助,并做饭。 |
When my mother saw what I was like, she bought me a library card at age 12, and I read so much.
12岁时,妈妈发现我的兴趣之后,就给我办了张借书证。 |
When my mother sees this rip in my new dress she will raise the roof.
当我母亲看到我新衣服上的裂缝,她会非常生气。 |
When my nonmaterial culture failed me — when it no longer enabled me to make sense out of the world — I experienced disorientation known as culture shock.
当我的非物质文化思想不再起作用时,当它不再能够帮助我认识世界时,我经历一种被称做“文化冲击”的迷惑。 |
When my older son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, my first reaction was relief - I finally knew the reason for his behavior.
当我的大儿子被确诊为“注意缺陷多动障碍”时,我的第一反应就是放松——我终于知道他那些行为举止的原因所在了。 |