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The lower level of a functional goal involved bringing a bottle of black tea to the mouth.

The lower end of the connecting rod fits the crankshaft journal. 在连杆大头安装曲柄轴颈。
The lower esophagus here shows sharply demarcated ulcerations that have a brown-red base, contrasted with the normal pale white esophageal mucosa at the far left. 食管下段显示有边界清楚的溃疡,与左边正常的苍白色食管黏膜相比较,溃疡基底部呈红褐色。
The lower front panel differs from that of the 308 hatchback. 较低的前面板不同于的308掀背车.
The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate. 下层炮眼已淹没在水里,涌进船舱的水给“瓦萨”号带来了难以逃脱的厄运。
The lower level assigns the OD traffic on road network with user equilibrium method, which simulates the behaviors of traveller path selection and forecasts distribution and running characteristics of traffic demand on road network. 开发了一个基于灵敏度分析的算法用于实现上下层模型间的反馈及同时求解两个优化问题。
The lower level of a functional goal involved bringing a bottle of black tea to the mouth. 所谓物质赋予的丰富或贫乏则依红茶瓶上有无商标而定。
The lower limit of the alpine zone varies in different mountain regions, according to the rainfall and other climatic and topographic factors, from 100 meters above sea level in parts of Scotland to 3700 meters in the western Himalayas. 根据降水,气候和地形学上的因素,高山地区的最低限度在不同的山区是不同的,从苏格兰海平面上方100米到西喜马拉雅山的3700米。
The lower limits of leukocyte and neutrophil counts became 3.6*10^9/1 and 1.5*10^9/1, respectively. 白血球的参考值成为3.6*十的九次方/1而中性球的参考值成为15*10的九次方/1。
The lower limits of soil moisture for rational deficit irrigation scheduling to cotton at its different growth stages are 55%~60%, 65%, 70% and 50%~55% of field capacity at seedling, buds ,bolls and wadding stages, respectively. 合理的棉花调亏灌溉制度是苗期控制水分供应,土壤含水量维持在田间持水量的55%~60%;蕾期和花铃期是棉花的需水关键期,土壤含水量应分别保持在田间持水量的65%和70%左右;吐絮期应控制水分供应,土壤含水量维持在田间持水量的50%~55%。
The lower managers positions are in the hierarchy, the more time they spend leading and controlling first-line managers or non-managerial employees. 相反,管理者在管理层级中所处的位置越低,则用于领导和控制基层管理者或非管理层人员的时间就越多。
The lower millstone grinds as well as the upper. 低磨高磨,一样可以磨。

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