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Owing to weak output signals integrated amplifier is designed , which is characteristics of shorter wires , higher input impedance , higher common mode rejection ratio and series mode rejection ratio , smaller zero shift and temperature shift .

Owing to their stubborn and conventional nature, capricornians do not easily fall in love and once they have found a suitable partner, their relationship will be persistent and lasting. 因为他们固执而传统的天性,魔羯座的人不会轻易坠入爱河,一旦他们找到合适的爱人,他们的关系就会持续而稳定。
Owing to tight scheduling and all the customers can not tolerate shortage of ethylene supply for a long period of time, all the revamping plans were failed. 近年来国内经济繁荣,石化産品技术日新,石化中下游厂家産能亦逐年扩增,本公司産品産能虽亦有增加,但增産幅度低于中下游厂家所需。
Owing to unfavourable weather, I was unable to carry on with it. 由于天气不好,我不能把它进行下去。
Owing to unsteady ship driving power, vibration of ship body, sealing function of seal part and variable stern flow companying with rotating propeller, the unsteady force results to vibration of ship shaft, which makes the oil film of stern journal bearin 由于船舶动力的非稳定性、船体的振动、尾轴密封装置的密封作用及螺旋桨的不均匀伴流作用,导致尾轴振动,使得尾轴承润滑油膜涡动。
Owing to using water as cooling or heating media, the combination can reach high energy-efficiency ratio to save the operation cost; while both cooling and heating are needed, it is possible to realize the energy balance of the inner system, reduce the op 由于采用水作为冷却和加热介质,故机组的能效比比较高,节省运行费用;在需要同时供冷和供热时,可实现系统内部能量平衡,减少冷却塔和加热设备的运行时间,以达到节能的目的。
Owing to weak output signals integrated amplifier is designed , which is characteristics of shorter wires , higher input impedance , higher common mode rejection ratio and series mode rejection ratio , smaller zero shift and temperature shift . 由于输出信号微弱,采用短线路传输,高输入阻抗,共模抑制比和串模抑制比高,温漂和零漂小的集成运放电路。
Owing to your delay in oprning the relative L/C shipment cannot be made in time as contracted and should be postponed to September and October. 由于你方迟开信用证,无法按合同要求及时装船,只能推迟到9月和10月。
Owl - One who is vigilant and of acute wit. 猫头鹰-时刻都在机警的戒备下的人。
Owl has long been associated with seeing into the dark, or in other terms night vision. 长期以来,猫头鹰被与“能看进黑暗中”联系起来,或以其他的术语来说是“夜间视觉”。
Owl has two gifts for our human audience today. 今天猫头鹰为我们的人类听众带来了两份礼物。
Owl is often the kingdom that Earth calls upon to sort through her unconscious. 猫头鹰通常是地球召唤来整理她的无意识的王国。

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