For example, perhaps viewing lightning as an entirely conventional discharge, like a spark to a doorknob, is not correct. |
中文意思: 例如,将闪电完全视为像门把上的静电火花一般普通的放电现象,或许并不正确。 |
For example, people may die if they receive transplanted organs from someone with the wrong blood type.
例如,如果人们接受错误血型的器官移植,将导致他们死亡。 |
For example, people ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water.
例如,总有人在地面上和水里扔垃圾,破坏自然美。 |
For example, people take placebo pills, feel better, and conclude that the pills have cured their ailments.
举例来说,人们吃了安慰药丸,感觉好很多,而且得出结论药丸已经治愈了他们的病。 |
For example, people who had won substantial money on earlier bets demonstrated less fear of future losses.
例如,在先前的赌局中赚过大钱的投资者不会太担心未来的损失。 |
For example, people would be considered domiciled in Hong Kong if they are holding Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards, or they are Chinese citizens who have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years.
举例,如果有关人士持有香港永久居民身份证,或他们是经已在香港连续居住满七年的中国公民,他们便会被视为以香港为居籍。 |
For example, perhaps viewing lightning as an entirely conventional discharge, like a spark to a doorknob, is not correct.
例如,将闪电完全视为像门把上的静电火花一般普通的放电现象,或许并不正确。 |
For example, plant K content in seedling stage is usually less than 3 %, while during the period from plant transplanting to maximum tillering stage, plant K content reaches to a peak value (more than 4%), high K content in this period is favorable for ph
比如,苗期植株含钾量通常低于3%,从植株移栽至最大分蘖期达到峰值(大于4%),这一阶段高含钾量有利于光合作用。 |
For example, plants may accumulate solutes, such as oligosaccharides and the amino acid proline, to make their tissues frost-resistant.
例如植物会积累许多溶质如低聚糖,脯氨酸等来获得组织抗寒性。 |
For example, playing only priests with their ability to detect the cursed or blessed state of an object might make you too dependent on that ability.
譬如说:仅使用传教士,并且常利用他的预知物品能力(被下咒的或是被祈福的),可能会让你太依靠这项能力了。 |
For example, please inform the Special Rapporteur if your human rights concern has been adequately addressed, or a final outcome has been determined in an investigation or trial, or an action which was planned or threatened has been carried out.
例如,请告知特别报告员贵方关注的人权问题是否得到了恰当的处理,调查或审判是否有最后结果,策划或威胁要采取的行动是否已经实施等。 |
For example, power loss of approximately 3 % is expected between an individual service point and common feeding facilities where the measurement will be taken, although such loss is dependent upon the capacity and cable length of each system.
例如,虽然此类损耗取决于各系统的能力与电缆长度,但在单个应用点与公用进料设施(将在此处测量)之间的功率损耗预计大约为3%。 |