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With the prospect of an Iraqi political settlement appearing to recede, Asking American to squander lives and money is getting harder and harder.

With the project example, discusses the request of ventilating and cooling system, calculation of supply and exhaust air rate and design of ventilating system. 摘要结合设计实例,探讨了对通风冷却系统的要求、进排风量的计算及通风系统的设计。
With the project going on, our understanding will deepen. 随着项目的进行,我们的理解也加深了。
With the promotion of natural mineral spring, acne and marks removing factor, the production easily penetrate into the deep pores, restrain propionibacterium acnes, remove comedones, peel dead cells and repair the damaged skin without any marks, thus enab 在天然矿泉的带动下,清豆去印因子更易深入皮脂分泌旺盛的毛孔深处,清除黑头粉刺,去除死皮,不留疤痕,有助减退豆豆印痕,使粗糙肌肤变得白润亮泽。
With the proposed plate pre-processing method, 98% of 1000 sample vehicle license-plates images are correctly segmented; and recognition rate of the system can be improved notably. 在大量试验的基础上,提出了一种基于区域滤波的预处理算法和一种改进的车牌倾斜校正算法,并用于工程实际中,取得了良好的效果。
With the proposing of the goal of “growing from good to excellent in the quest to make the new breakthrough”, China Mobile, the “running elephant”, is demonstrating the company's transformation from “mobile telecommunication expert” to “mobile information 随着中国移动“从优秀到卓越,努力实现新跨越”目标的提出,这只“奔跑的大象”正在全面演绎着中国移动由“移动通信专家”向“移动信息专家”转型的精彩故事。
With the prospect of an Iraqi political settlement appearing to recede, Asking American to squander lives and money is getting harder and harder. 现在随着伊拉克政治的越来越退步,让美国挥霍人民和金钱的事情越来越难了。
With the prosperity of the theroy on human rights and the establishment of the country governed by law in succession, the system of Habeas Corpus has received popular adaptability in contemporary society. 摘要随着人权理论的勃兴和法治国家的纷纷建立,人身保护令制度在当代社会得到普遍适用。
With the public welfare geological work as the leading work, the demand of economic and social development as the dynamic force, and the equal emphasis of both resources and environment as the main aim, exploration geochemistry carried out multipurpose co 2001~2005年勘查地球化学以国家其基础性公益性地质工作为主导,以经济社会发展需求为动力,以资源与环境并重为方针,实施多目标的地质大调查,取得一系列重要成果,标志勘查地球化学进入全面发展阶段。
With the pure You show Yourself pure, And with the crooked You show Yourself astute. 诗18:26清洁的人、你以清洁待他.乖僻的人、你以弯曲待他。
With the pure You show Yourself pure, And with the perverted You show Yourself astute. 撒下22:27清洁的人、你以清洁待他.乖僻的人、你以弯曲待他。
With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward. 26清洁的人,你以清洁待他。乖僻的人,你以弯曲待他。

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