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Data encapsulation and multi-tiered design go hand in hand.

Data corruption simply doesn't happen. 数据崩溃通常不容易发生。
Data defined in a resource file, externally to a program. The resource file contains language-dependent string text and specifications of user interface elements. 资源,定义在一个资源文件中,被外部程序调用的数据。该资源文件包括语言独立的子串和用户接口元素的规格定义。
Data dependencies are represented by solid arrows in the graphical representation. 数据相关在图中用实箭头表示。
Data dependencies describe where a task acquires its input from, such as the output of another task or the input into the composing process. 数据相关描述一个获得其输入的任务,例如另一个任务的输出或者输入到处理过程。
Data dynamic exchange between process consol level and control management level is implemented by serial cormmnication. 过程控制级和控制管理级之间以串行通信方法实现动态数据交换。
Data encapsulation and multi-tiered design go hand in hand. 即,将数据封装和多层设计结合起来。
Data encryption is of little use unless you apply it to specifically mitigate a risk or to address a legal requirement. 数据加密用处不大,除非你把它应用于特定减轻风险或定位法律要件。
Data entry, credit documentation verification, preparation and follow-up. 主要工作职责为数据输入,核实及信贷资料准备和跟踪。
Data fail to confirm a relationship between lymphoid proliferation with immunoblastic morphology and connective tissue diseases. 这些资料不能证实具有免疫母细胞形态的淋巴样增生与结缔组织病之间的关系。
Data from a database; described by a column set. 数据库中返回的数据,使用列集描述(字段)。
Data from a long-term study launched in the U.K. in 1946 shows that such working moms are the least likely to be obese by middle age and the most likely to report generally good health. 一项1946年在英国启动的长期研究数据显示,有工作的中年妈妈发胖的可能性最小,并且,保持健康身体的可能性最大。

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