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Be surety for Your servant for good; Do not let the arrogant oppress me.

Be sure to wrap up your son in wool. 一定要给你儿子穿上毛衣。
Be sure where your next step will fall so that you will not stumble. 保持居安思危的思想以便你不会失足。
Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not tumble. 要学会预测自己会在哪一步跌倒,这样你就不至于摔跟头。
Be sure you have thoroughly flushed water supply lines before using. 在使用前,请确认你已经认真仔细地冲洗水的供应线路.
Be sure your Gunn diode doesn't oscillate at audio or HF as well. 确信你的耿氏二极管没有同时在音频或高频振荡。
Be surety for Your servant for good; Do not let the arrogant oppress me. 诗119:122求你为仆人作保、使我得好处.不容骄傲人欺压我。
Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。
Be tactful if you see flaws in someone else's work. 如果看到别人的工作有瑕疵还是圆滑一些好。
Be tactful, loving and still show her due respect though you may have a different view from hers. 就算你与她意见不一,也要委婉,充满爱心,对她表示出应有的尊敬。
Be taken round the world every weekday afternoon. With travel tips, holidays to win, and facts you never knew. 在繁重的生活中,有谁不期盼出国度个假?让丽娜担任你的空中导游,带你到世界的每一个角落,体验不一样的风土民情。
Be temperate in wine, in eating, girls, and sloth; or the gout will seize you and plague you both. 姑娘,别纵酒,别贪吃懒做,否则痛风会让你备受折磨。

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