Chinese national folk music is an important part of human intangible cultural heritage.
摘要我国的民族民间音乐,是人类非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分。 |
Chinese nationalism originates in reactions to imperialist invasions of China.
中国民族主义亦源于对帝国主义侵华之反动。 |
Chinese news reports say the mine was properly licensed, as part of Heilongjiang Longmei Group, a state-owned mining conglomerate.
中国媒体说,这座煤矿属于国营的“黑龙江龙煤集团”,执照齐全。 |
Chinese newspapers criticised the coach's reliance on an aerial long-ball attack, noting that the Thai players took advantage of the spread-open field to use short, sharp passes to penetrate China's defence.
中国媒体批评朱广沪过于依赖高空长传进攻,而泰国队则利用快速短传,迅速撕开了中国队的防线。 |
Chinese noodles are usually made from soft wheat flour, and served in broth with sliced meat and vegetables.
中国的面条通常是用低筋面粉做成,放在肉片和蔬菜煮的肉汤中食用。 |
Chinese official: How can I elaborate on it if we don't have any restrictions?
中国官员:如果根本没有出现什么问题,那有什么好说的? |
Chinese officials are getting worried that a meltdown may be pending, and have been intervening to dampen things down.
中国官员日益担心灾难就在眼前,一直加以干涉,给经济降温。 |
Chinese officials are reporting progress in slowing Shanghai's gradual subsidence, enabling the city to remain above sea level.
中国官员说,上海市地面下沉速度有所缓解,使上海得以继续维持在海平面以上。 |
Chinese officials have not spelled out how this will be attempted.
中国当局尚未说明此要求如何实现。 |
Chinese officials have openly voiced opposition to US machinations in the past.
中国官员在公开场合表示反对美国的阴谋。 |
Chinese officials have vowed to vaccinate the country's entire stock of poultry.
中国官员誓言要对全国所有家禽进行免疫接种。 |