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For the second man: in a gloomy afternoon with pouring rain, his bleeding face looks down from the dormer window in the attic.

For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. 18因为经上说,牛在场上踹谷的时候,不可笼住它的嘴。又说,工人得工价是应当的。
For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 11经上说,凡信他的人,必不至于羞愧。
For the season ahead he will hopefully be back in full working order. 在赛季前,他很有可能可以完全回到赛场上。
For the second consecutive year, the Judo Club won the prize for Overall Champion at the 18th Joint College Judo Competition. 浸大柔道学会选手在第十八届大专盃柔道赛中,再膺全场总冠军。
For the second goal Wright-Phillips lost possession, Ferreira couldn't stop Doyle going past him and crossing, Cole cleared against Essien who couldn't get out of the way and Hilario couldn't stop the deflection. 第二个球小莱特丢球,费雷拉无力足球多伊尔的突破和传球,科尔的解围球碰到埃辛,后者未能避开,皮球折射入大门,希拉里奥也无能为力。
For the second man: in a gloomy afternoon with pouring rain, his bleeding face looks down from the dormer window in the attic. 下着暴雨的下午,在天窗上流着血的死者的脸从外面望下来。
For the second straight day, the Lebanese army and militants clashed in Tripoli. 黎巴嫩军队和武装分子在黎波里激战两天了。
For the second time, NASA was forced scrub the launch of space shuttle Discovery because of weather. 第二次,美国航天局因天气被迫中止发射发现号航天飞机。
For the second time, State Police cruisers go rocketing up the road with SIRENS AND LIGHTS. 警笛声大作、警灯闪烁的州警巡逻车,第二次疾驰在道路上。
For the second time, she has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. 在这第二次的审判中,她以精神错乱为由申请无罪。
For the second year running, the 26-year-old R&B prince is the top earner among Taiwanese celebrities, with NT$254 million ($12.7m) in his kitty this year. 连续第两年,26岁R&B王子今年以台币二亿五千四万储金居台湾名人收入榜榜首。

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