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The non-condensable gases accumulate near the top of the secondary condensing bundles and are drawn into the air take-off manifolds running along the top of these secondary bundles.

The non-Jains also express high reverence for this Jain festival. 非耆那教徒也表达了对耆那教盛典的很高的崇敬。
The non-absorbable surgical suture (medieal silk suture)Usage:operations of cutis,subcuticular,and orthopedies.Made from natural silk,the suture is high tensility,even and can be easily knotted. 非吸收性外科缝线(医用丝线)是天然蚕丝制成,抗张强度好,线径均匀,光滑,打结容易牢固可靠,适宜于皮内、皮肤及整形外科手术缝合。
The non-bank financial sector mainly co isted of trust and investment companies, securities firms, finance companies and i urance firms as well as many urban and rural credit cooperatiives. 非银行金融机构主要包括投资公司、证券公司、财务公司、保险公司以及众多城乡信用合作社。
The non-bank financial sector mainly consisted of trust and investment companies, securities firms, finance companies and insurance firms as well as many urban and rural credit cooperatiives. 非银行金融机构主要包括投资公司、证券公司、财务公司、保险公司以及众多城乡信用合作社。
The non-blocking matrix of Figure 1-15 allows simultaneous connection of multiple input/output signal paths, up to the full number of matrix inputs, if desired. 图1-15中的非分块矩阵可以同时连接多个输入/输出信号路径,最多可达到矩阵输入的最大数量。
The non-condensable gases accumulate near the top of the secondary condensing bundles and are drawn into the air take-off manifolds running along the top of these secondary bundles. 不可冷凝的气体在二次冷凝管束顶部附近汇集,被吸入二次冷凝管束顶部布置的空气集管内。
The non-cooperative equilibrium, the cooperated equilibrium, and the socially optimal equilibrium are characterized to examine the inefficiency caused by the problem of common exploitation under an oligopolistic framework with non-use values. 共有资源开发的不效率程度,在本文中以寡占市场与具有非使用价值的架构下,对于不合作均衡、合作均衡与社会最适均衡等三种结果进行比较分析可以得知。
The non-fiction list was led by the memoirs of former British Cabinet minister David Blunkett (35 percent), followed by ex United States president Clinton's 1024-page autobiography My Life(30 percent). 英国前内阁大臣大卫·布兰奇特的回忆录名列非小说类“难读”排行榜之首(35%),美国前总统克林顿长达1024页的自传《我的人生》位居其后(30%)。
The non-governmental charity activities of late Qing Dynasty have somewhat changed in the early stage of Emperor Guang Xu, during which industrialists established a new stable charitable oiganizations, changed tradional idea to relieve the people in stric 摘要晚清时期的民间慈善事业在光绪初年时已发生一些新的变化,具体表现为江苏实业家成立新式慈善机构、改变传统赈灾观念、从事募捐善款、制定高效的放赈方式。
The non-irrigation plantation in moving sand dune and sandy girder areas should adopt some biological and engineering measures such as runoff-collecting to improve effects of rainfall, reduce losses by evaporation and depth leaking, and improving circulat 在无灌溉条件的流动沙丘和沙梁地,通过径流汇集利用,充分实现降雨的有效化,利用各种生物和工程措施来减少植被系统的无效蒸发散损失和深层渗漏,通过合理配置提高水资源的循环与转化是沙区发展免灌植被的主要途径。
The non-linear equations of strings under a concentrated load are derived. 摘要建立了集中荷载作用下悬索的非线性方程。

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