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Accepting the case against the authoritarianism is easier than Mr Law's second main task, which is disproving the accusation that being a liberal is tantamount to supporting moral relativism.

Acceptance of the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable. 对宿命论的信仰接受所有事情是预先注定、不可避免的这一信仰的接受
Acceptance tests typically test the entire system, or some large chunk of it. 验收测试通常测试整个系统,或系统中一些大的模块。
Accepting foreign partners to invest a coorsponding maximum percentage share of the present capitalization of the corporation allowed by law, but not to exceed 60% thereof. 接受外国合作伙伴在法律允许的范围内占有公司资本的最大份额,但不应超过总资本的60%。
Accepting or submitting without objection or resistance; compliant. 顺从的无反对或反抗的接受或忍受的;驯服的
Accepting that commission's report at a White House Cabinet meeting, the president said there is much that could have been done differently. 布什总统在白宫接受该委员会的一份报告时说,的确有许多需要改变的地方。
Accepting the case against the authoritarianism is easier than Mr Law's second main task, which is disproving the accusation that being a liberal is tantamount to supporting moral relativism. 对绝对权力主义者的批判仅仅是劳先生这本书的一部分内容,更重要的内容是他对“自由主义就是支持道德中庸主义”这个批判的反击。
Accepting this vision the demoniac being deficient in spiritual intelligence having lost contact with their soul; degradedly engage in abominable activities to influence the destruction of the universe. 接受了这样邪见的人,灵性智能不足,失去了和他们真心自性的联系,堕落到令人厌恶的行为中,而引起宇宙的毁灭。
Accepts call and initiates a call (when a number has already been entered) or activate the last called numbers menu. 可以接听电话和(在已经输入一个号码后)拨出一个电话,或激活上次通话的号码菜单。
Access Control Designer is a universal modular tool for visually designing access control policies. 访问控制设计器是为虚拟设计访问控制策略提供的一个通用模块。
Access and sign out spare parts . Maintain clean and orderly conditions. Minimum inventory levels maintained with requisitions to supervisor. 管理备存配件并保持整洁有序。保持备件存量最小化。
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect. 当前的存取控制设定禁止您的请求被接受,如果您觉得这是错误的,请与您网路服务的提供者联系。

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