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The cause of part dike collapse in Zhongyang is analyzed, and the corresponding measure is put forward.

The cause of fire is still unknown. 起火事故的原因目前还不清楚。
The cause of gender identity disorder is not known. 引起性别错位症的原因尚不清楚。
The cause of glaucoma is not yet fully understood. But doctors know that the disease develops as pressure inside the eye increases. 青光眼的病因还不完全清楚,但医生们知道这种病始于眼内压增高。
The cause of mine disaster lies in insufficient preparation system of the mine disaster governance, so the key countermeasures to govern mine disaster is building the composition of preparation of the mine disaster governance on the basis of 3R, which inc 导致矿难频发的重要原因在于矿难治理的准备机制不足,因此治理矿难频发关键要立足3R,即“备战、反应、关联”,打造矿难治理的准备构成体系,建立、健全我国矿难治理的长效准备机制。
The cause of non-uniform mixing was analyzed of the high-viscous medium ferment liquid in the acidification tank, some efficient improvements were proposed, and a check calulation was made of the improved paddles of the mixers and shifts. 摘要对酸化罐内高粘度介质发酵液搅拌混合不均匀的原因进行了分析,提出了有效的改进措施,并对改进后的搅拌器浆叶及抽进行了校核计算。
The cause of part dike collapse in Zhongyang is analyzed, and the corresponding measure is put forward. 摘要文章分析了枞阳江堤局部崩岸的原因,提出了相应的处理措施。
The cause of peace requires all free nations to recognize new and undeniable realities. 和平事业需要所有的自由国家认清这一新的不容置疑的现实。
The cause of scleroderma is unknown. 硬皮病的原因尚不清楚。
The cause of terrorism, always include the factor of cult(n.) and affection(n.). 恐布主义的原因中,也常包含有教派与情感因素。
The cause of that disease has eluded all researchers. 研究人员都没有找到这种病的起因。
The cause of the Argentine disaster is human, and the banks are refusing to assist. 阿根廷灾难的因素是人为的,银行拒绝协助。

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