Close-fitting breeches or leggings reaching up to the hips and fastened to a doublet, formerly worn by men. Used only in the plural. |
中文意思: 男式紧身裤昔日男用的一种紧身短裤或者裹腿,穿至臀部并与紧身上衣系在一起(只用于复数形式) |
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Close your eyes, it feels like you're eating runny eggs,or a bowl of snot.
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Close your eyes, tuck your chin in a little, spread your shoulders and lengthen your spine.
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Close your lips tightly and open the nasal path by hanging down the soft palate. Make your vocal cords vibrate and the breath go out from your nose.
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Close's own painting here, a black-and-white, enlarged photo-realist portrait of stage designer Robert Israel, is described in catalogue as nice, good-looking and preppy.
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Close-brake have two kinds of close brake electromagnet and manual button.
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Close-fitting breeches or leggings reaching up to the hips and fastened to a doublet, formerly worn by men. Used only in the plural.
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Close-range cars either man either side of the rustic scenery modeling, high pressure generous.
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Close-to-business coordination / guidance on tax, invoices, contract mgt., claims, reimbursement, payment coding and various financial processes.
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Close-up of 4-D scan of the near full term foetus drinking the amniotic fluid.This helps prepare the digestive tract for life outside the womb.
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Closed beta will end at 6pm on July 7. Open beta will begin at 2pm on July 9.
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Closed grabs that are capable of taking contained buckets of sediments without leakage shall be used for all dredging operations.
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